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Rota Cecile
7 Bd de La Pastissiere
Carry Le Rouet


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Price per week:

price from €450






Description for Gite

This splendid T2 rental offers a spacious 50 m2 area, perfect for accommodating up to 4 people. Positioned facing south, it provides an enchanting view of the sea, creating a truly mesmerizing atmosphere. Located on the 7th floor, the apartment is easily accessible with the convenience of two elevators.

The living room and master bedroom both open up to a double balcony, allowing for plenty of natural light and a delightful outdoor space. The kitchen features a serving hatch, making it convenient for serving meals. The bathroom has recently been renovated and now boasts a large shower, while a separate toilet provides added privacy.

Conveniently situated at the base of the building, you will find a cinema, casino games, various shops, restaurants, a bustling market, and a boat club. Additionally, the opportunity to explore the stunning creeks of the Blue Coast awaits you.


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extra bed
Holiday Home 1 450 650 000 NON




  • Carry-le-Rouet Beach: Located just a short walk away from 7 Bd de La Pastissiere, Carry-le-Rouet Beach is a beautiful sandy beach popular among tourists and locals alike. Enjoy swimming, sunbathing, and water sports in the crystal-clear waters of the Mediterranean Sea.
  • Parc Marin de la Cote Bleue: Situated along the stunning Cote Bleue coastline, this marine park offers a unique opportunity to explore the underwater world. Take a guided snorkeling or scuba diving tour to discover colorful marine life, underwater caves, and stunning coral reefs.
  • Chateau d'If: Located in the Bay of Marseille, Chateau d'If is a historic fortress known for its role in Alexandre Dumas' novel "The Count of Monte Cristo." Take a short boat ride from Carry-le-Rouet to visit this famous landmark and explore its fascinating history.
  • Calanques National Park: A short drive from Carry-le-Rouet, Calanques National Park is a natural paradise known for its dramatic limestone cliffs, crystal-clear turquoise waters, and hidden coves. Hike along the marked trails to enjoy breathtaking views and discover secluded beaches.
  • Marseille: Situated approximately 20 kilometers away, Marseille is a vibrant city that offers a wealth of attractions. Explore the historic Vieux Port, visit the iconic Notre-Dame de la Garde basilica, or wander through the charming streets of Le Panier neighborhood. Don't miss the opportunity to try delicious local cuisine, including bouillabaisse, a traditional fish stew.
  • Aix-en-Provence: Located about 40 kilometers from Carry-le-Rouet, Aix-en-Provence is a picturesque town known for its rich cultural heritage and charming architecture. Visit Cours Mirabeau, a tree-lined avenue filled with cafes and shops, explore the stunning Saint-Sauveur Cathedral, or wander through the vibrant local markets.
  • Cassis: Situated approximately 35 kilometers away, Cassis is a charming fishing village famous for its breathtaking calanques, quaint harbor, and delicious local wines. Take a boat tour to explore the stunning calanques, stroll along the waterfront promenade, and enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of this idyllic coastal town. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from beautiful beaches and natural wonders to historic landmarks and vibrant cities, ensuring that visitors to Carry Le Rouet have plenty to explore in the surrounding areas.

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