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Christian et Françoise Jobard
74 Rue du Serre


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Price per night:

price from €62




Description for Gite

Welcome to our traditional inn nestled in the heart of the charming village of Valdrôme. Here, you can truly unwind and immerse yourself in the beauty of the pre-Alpine mountains and nature. Whether you're embarking on a solo adventure, planning a weekend getaway, or traveling with a group or family, we warmly invite you to experience all that Valdrôme has to offer.

Located just 6 km away from "La Batie-of-Funds" - the source of the river Drôme, Valdrôme is a land of mountains and a perfect blend between the Vercors and Provence. Nature enthusiasts will be delighted to find an untouched paradise right at their doorstep.

There is an abundance of sports and outdoor activities to enjoy here. From exhilarating mountain biking and cycling routes to breathtaking hikes and climbing adventures, the possibilities are endless. For those seeking aquatic thrills, swimming is a refreshing option. Archery, via ferrata, downhill skiing, cross country skiing, and snowshoeing are also available for those seeking more adrenaline-inducing experiences.

Rest assured that our well-maintained and marked carto-guides paths will guide you through each season's wonders. No matter the time of year, Valdrôme is sure to captivate you from the moment you arrive.


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The destination is located approximately 30 minutes away from Die and 6 kilometers from the axis of Valencia Gap.



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  • Serre de Montué: Located near Valdrome, Serre de Montué is a stunning mountain peak offering breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes. It is a popular destination for hiking and nature enthusiasts, providing numerous trails to explore.
  • Château de Montmaur: Situated in the nearby village of Montmaur, Château de Montmaur is a historical castle dating back to the 12th century. Visitors can admire its impressive architecture and learn about the castle's rich history through guided tours.
  • Diois Museum: Located in Die, approximately 30 minutes away from Valdrome, Diois Museum is a cultural and historical museum showcasing the heritage of the Diois region. It features exhibits on archaeology, geology, and local traditions, providing an insightful experience for visitors.
  • Les Trois Becs: Les Trois Becs is a group of three distinctive mountain peaks situated in the Diois region. The peaks, named Bec de l'Orient, Bec de l'Aigle, and Bec de la Roche, offer stunning hiking trails and panoramic viewpoints, attracting outdoor enthusiasts and photographers alike.
  • Luc-en-Diois: A charming village located in the heart of the Diois region, Luc-en-Diois is known for its picturesque streets, medieval architecture, and vibrant local markets. Visitors can explore the village, relax in its tranquil atmosphere, and enjoy the local delicacies.
  • Die Cathedral: Die Cathedral, situated in the town of Die, is an impressive Romanesque and Gothic-style cathedral dating back to the 12th century. The cathedral's intricate architecture and beautiful stained glass windows make it a must-visit attraction for history and architecture enthusiasts.
  • Gorges des Gâts: Located near the village of Saillans, Gorges des Gâts is a natural wonder featuring stunning cliffs, rock formations, and a crystal-clear river. It is an ideal spot for hiking, swimming, and picnicking, offering a peaceful and scenic escape from city life.
  • Crest Tower: Situated in the town of Crest, Crest Tower (Tour de Crest) is the highest medieval dungeon in France. Visitors can climb to the top and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes, while also exploring the castle's historical exhibitions.
  • Grignan Castle: Although a bit further away (approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes from Valdrome), Grignan Castle is worth mentioning due to its historical significance and architectural beauty. This Renaissance castle is known for its association with Madame de Sévigné, a famous French writer. Visitors can explore the castle's opulent interiors and enjoy stunning views of the surrounding lavender fields. 10. Vercors Regional Natural Park: Located within a reasonable distance from Valdrome, Vercors Regional Natural Park is a vast protected area boasting diverse landscapes, including mountains, plateaus, and forests. The park offers numerous activities such as hiking, biking, wildlife spotting, and skiing during winter, making it an ideal destination for nature lovers.

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