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Ryo Jérémy
6 Les Métairies
St Vincent Sur Oust



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Price per night:

price from €85





Description for B&B:

Three years ago, our enchanting journey began with a genuine infatuation for this captivating Breton farm. Fueled by our passion and determination, we have lovingly transformed it into a remarkable guesthouse called "Oust au lit," a whimsical nod to our cherished childhood memories.

Nestled near the charming Île aux Pies, a classified natural site, our location offers a breathtaking spectacle of cliffs that gracefully adorn the picturesque Oust river.

At present, our farm proudly accommodates two delightful bedrooms. Whether you resonate with the allure of the "Sawyers" or find yourself captivated by the charm of the "Sweet Dreamers," both rooms are guaranteed to enchant you. They share the qualities of being luminous, spacious, comfortable, and tastefully decorated.

After a restful night's sleep, breakfast can be enjoyed in the comfort of your room or at the grand table in our welcoming reception area.

For those who believe that good food leads to sweet dreams, we offer the opportunity to savor a delectable meal at our table d'hôtes, with prior reservation.

Located amidst the tranquil beauty of the Brittany countryside, we are a haven of peace and serenity. Within a short distance, you can easily access the beach, the enchanting Brocéliande forest, and the captivating Guérande marshes, all within an hour's reach. Explore the nearby Nantes to Brest Canal, visit charming villages and cities like La Gacilly, Rochefort-en-Terre, and Malestroit. For outdoor enthusiasts, hiking trails and the vélodysée are just a kilometer away, while climbing, canoeing, and kayaking await you a mere 3 kilometers from our doorstep. Additionally, a remarkable megalithic site lies a mere 25 kilometers away.

Join us in this dream-like setting and allow us to create an unforgettable experience for you at "Oust au lit."

Description for Gite


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extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 85 95 20




  • Rochefort-en-Terre: Located approximately 9 km from St Vincent Sur Oust, Rochefort-en-Terre is a charming medieval village that has been recognized as one of the "most beautiful villages in France." Visitors can wander through its narrow streets, admire its half-timbered houses, and visit the picturesque Château de Rochefort-en-Terre.
  • Josselin Castle: Situated in the town of Josselin, about 25 km from St Vincent Sur Oust, Josselin Castle is an impressive fortress dating back to the 12th century. This medieval castle overlooks the Nantes-Brest Canal and houses a museum that showcases its history and the noble Rohan family who still resides there.
  • La Gacilly: Located approximately 20 km from St Vincent Sur Oust, La Gacilly is a charming village known for its connection to photography. It is home to the renowned Yves Rocher Botanical Garden, which features over 1,000 plant species. Additionally, the village hosts an annual photography festival, attracting visitors from all over the world.
  • Redon: Situated about 15 km from St Vincent Sur Oust, Redon is a historic town located at the confluence of the Oust and Vilaine rivers. It offers a mix of architectural styles, including Gothic and Renaissance buildings. Visitors can explore the Abbey of Saint-Sauveur, the beautiful gardens along the canal, and the bustling market held on Mondays.
  • Domaine de Kerguéhennec: Located approximately 35 km from St Vincent Sur Oust, Domaine de Kerguéhennec is a stunning estate that combines a castle, contemporary art exhibits, and vast parklands. Visitors can explore the castle's interiors, wander through the sculpture park, and enjoy the peaceful surroundings.
  • Malestroit: Situated about 18 km from St Vincent Sur Oust, Malestroit is a medieval town with a rich heritage. Its historic center is dotted with half-timbered houses, a beautiful 15th-century church, and a picturesque canal. Visitors can stroll along the town's cobbled streets and admire its architectural treasures.
  • The Nantes-Brest Canal: Passing through St Vincent Sur Oust, the Nantes-Brest Canal offers scenic walking and cycling paths. Visitors can enjoy peaceful boat trips, rent bikes, or simply take a leisurely stroll along the canal, immersing themselves in the tranquil atmosphere and picturesque surroundings. These attractions near St Vincent Sur Oust provide visitors with a mix of historical sites, natural beauty, and cultural experiences, offering a diverse range of activities to explore and enjoy.