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Appréciations pour Au Clos Tersois, Fayssac:

Comme chez nous
Review by: NEGUELOUART , Aou 12 2020 3:33PM
Nous avons passe une nuit dans la chambre familiale (2 couples ) et avons passe une super nuit....avec grasse matinée ! Des notre arrivée Patrice et Yannick son épouse nous ont accueilli avec des rafraichissements puis nous avons plongé dans la piscine ! L aperitif a été un très bon moment de partage basco-aveyronnais qui s est poursuivi après le repas concocté par Patrice. N hésitez pas à manger à sa table, c est simple, copieux et très bon pour un excellent rapport qualité prix. Le petit déjeuner avec des produits frais et locaux était exactement ce qu'il nous fallait au réveil ! Merci à Patrice et Yannick pour l accueil (avec mention spéciale à Yannick qui commençait tôt le lendemain matin !). Nous avons passe un super moment plein de rires ! Continuez comme ça, vous méritez de réussir ! A un de ces jours dans le Tarn....ou au Pays basque !

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extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 65 89
(3 pers.)
1 104 104


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  • Château de Bonaguil: Located in Saint-Front-sur-Lémance, this stunning castle is considered one of the finest examples of medieval military architecture in France. Visitors can explore its impressive fortifications and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Saint-Cirq-Lapopie: Perched on a cliff overlooking the Lot River, this picturesque village is renowned for its well-preserved medieval architecture. Visitors can wander through charming narrow streets, visit art galleries, and enjoy breathtaking views of the river valley.
  • Albi Cathedral: Situated in the city of Albi, this imposing Gothic cathedral is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Its unique red brick exterior and stunning interior, featuring vibrant frescoes by artist Toulouse-Lautrec, make it a must-visit attraction.
  • Cordes-sur-Ciel: This medieval hilltop village is famous for its well-preserved architecture and enchanting atmosphere. Visitors can explore its cobblestone streets, admire beautiful houses and gardens, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Gaillac Vineyards: The region around Terses is known for its excellent wine production, and the Gaillac Vineyards offer a great opportunity to sample some of the local wines. Visitors can tour vineyards, learn about the winemaking process, and indulge in wine tastings.
  • Musee Toulouse-Lautrec: Located in Albi, this museum is dedicated to the life and works of renowned artist Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. It houses the largest collection of his works and provides insight into his life and the bohemian culture of late 19th-century Paris.
  • Bruniquel Castle: Situated in the charming village of Bruniquel, this castle offers a glimpse into medieval history. Visitors can explore its well-preserved towers, defensive walls, and enjoy guided tours that provide fascinating insights into the castle's past.
  • Les Jardins des Martels: Located in Giroussens, these beautiful gardens are renowned for their diverse collection of plant species, including over 2,500 varieties of roses. Visitors can stroll through themed gardens, enjoy the peaceful atmosphere, and admire the stunning floral displays.
  • Caves of Foissac: Located near Foissac, these prehistoric caves offer a fascinating glimpse into the past. Visitors can explore underground chambers adorned with stunning stalactites and stalagmites, as well as view ancient cave paintings. 10. Aveyron Gorges: Located within the Aveyron region, these dramatic gorges offer breathtaking natural beauty. Visitors can enjoy hiking, kayaking, and canoeing, or simply admire the stunning views from various lookout points along the gorge.