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Alain Rouffy
Pont Rompu


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price from €390





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  • Abbaye de Solignac: Located in the village of Solignac, this medieval abbey is a prominent tourist attraction. Visitors can explore the beautiful Romanesque architecture, stroll through the tranquil gardens, and learn about the abbey's historical significance.
  • Limoges: Just a short drive away from Pont Rompu, the city of Limoges is famous for its porcelain production. Tourists can visit the Musée National Adrien Dubouché to admire a vast collection of porcelain pieces, explore the Gothic-style Limoges Cathedral, or stroll through the picturesque streets of the old town.
  • Lac de Saint-Pardoux: Nature enthusiasts will enjoy a visit to Lac de Saint-Pardoux, a stunning lake located near Pont Rompu. The lake offers various recreational activities, including swimming, fishing, and hiking. With its sandy beaches and clear waters, it provides a perfect spot for a relaxing day out.
  • Parc Zoologique du Reynou: Situated in the nearby town of Le Vigen, this zoo is home to a diverse range of animal species. Visitors can admire various animals, including giraffes, lions, lemurs, and flamingos. The park also features beautiful gardens and walking trails for a pleasant outdoor experience.
  • Château de Châlucet: This medieval castle is located in Saint-Jean-Ligoure, close to Pont Rompu. The ruins of the castle offer a glimpse into the region's rich history and provide a scenic backdrop for exploration. Guided tours are available to learn about the castle's past and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Musée de la Résistance: Situated in Limoges, this museum honors the memory of the French Resistance during World War II. Visitors can explore the exhibits which showcase artifacts, photographs, and personal stories related to the resistance movement, providing insight into this significant historical period.
  • Jardins de l'Evêché: Found in Limoges, these beautiful gardens are located near the Limoges Cathedral. The well-maintained green spaces, fountains, and flower displays offer a peaceful ambiance for a relaxing stroll. The gardens also provide an excellent view of the cathedral's architecture.
  • Cité des Insectes: Located in Nedde, a short distance from Pont Rompu, this unique insect-themed museum offers an educational and interactive experience. Visitors can learn about the world of insects through exhibits, interactive displays, and a walk-through tropical greenhouse showcasing various insect species.
  • Château de Montbrun: Situated in the town of Dournazac, this castle boasts a remarkable medieval architecture and scenic surroundings. Visitors can explore the castle's interior, including its furnished rooms and exhibitions, as well as enjoy panoramic views from the castle's terrace. 10. Parc Bellevue: Located in Limoges, this park offers a range of recreational activities for families and visitors of all ages. With its playgrounds, mini-golf course, and beautiful landscapes, it provides a perfect spot for picnics, leisurely walks, and outdoor relaxation.