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Les Rougeous


4 reviews

Price per week:

price from €749




Description for Gite

Located near the charming medieval village of LAURAC-LE-GRAND, the ESTATE OF ROUJOUX is a historic gem immersed in the hills of the picturesque Lauragais plain. This peaceful retreat offers isolation, tranquility, and the perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The estate is surrounded by remnants of fortifications from the 11th, 13th, and 16th centuries, showcasing the rich history of the Catharism movement. The area's church boasts a typical baroque hispano-Southern style, adding to the allure of this unique destination.

The ESTATE OF ROUJOUX is a haven for relaxation and rejuvenation. Take leisurely walks through the breathtaking countryside, indulge in a delicious barbecue, or engage in a friendly game of petanque. Golf enthusiasts can enjoy the 9-hole course nestled in the hills (equipment not provided). For those seeking a refreshing swim, the heated swimming pool (9x4.5) offers stunning views of the Black Mountain and features a small paddling pool as well as a barrier that meets French protection standards. Don't forget to bring your sun lotion to fully enjoy the sun-kissed ambiance.

The house itself is cool and comfortable during the summer months and is equipped with everything you need for a pleasant stay. Whether you are exploring the Mediterranean coastline, the majestic Pyrenees, or crossing the border into Spain, this region is known for its abundant sunshine, with an impressive 200 days of sun per year. Immerse yourself in the rich history of the Cathare, visit the renowned ISCED of Carcassonne, savor the local homemade delicacies such as cassoulet, explore medieval markets like Mirepoix, and indulge in the mountain cheeses and exquisite local wines.

This agricultural area eagerly awaits your visit, offering a peaceful haven amidst stunning surroundings. For photographs and further information, please visit our website or contact the owner. Additionally, we offer special reduced rates for two-week bookings. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to experience true tranquility and relaxation at the ESTATE OF ROUJOUX.


Appréciations pour AUDE Gite domaine des Roujoux avec Piscine Chauffée, Golf & Vue Stupéfiante, LAURAC:

Aout 2022 - Super !
Review by: Lucie M, Aou 21 2022 11:50AM
Hôtes accueillants et charmants, lieu magique, calme, piscine et équipements super, on ne peut que s'y sentir bien.
Merci à M. Et Mme Grilleres, bonne continuation et je vous recommande chaudement !
Aout 2022 - Super !
Review by: Lucie M, Aou 20 2022 9:31PM
Hôtes accueillants et charmants, lieu magique, calme, piscine et équipements super, on ne peut que s'y sentir bien.
Merci à M. Et Mme Grillères,
Bonne continuation et je vous recommande chaudement !

Appréciation/Accueil : Excellent

Appréciation/Confort : Excellent

Appréciation/Propreté : Excellent

Appréciation/Prix : Justifié
Superbe vacances 2014
Review by: JCC , Nov 10 2015 10:11PM
Nous avons passés de superbes vacances au domaine des Roujoux. Organisation de qualité par Valérie, très bon accueil, propriétaires charmants, discrets, disponibles et aux petits soins pour nous et les enfants. Merci aussi à leur fils pour le Quad !!! Gite très très bien situé, au calme, tout en étant proche de nombreuses ballades. Magnifique région. Nous en reparlons encore beaucoup aujourd'hui. A une prochaine fois peut être. Et merci encore pour toutes vos attentions.
Belle histoire franco-anglaise
Review by: Roujoux, Mar 7 2011 9:17PM
L'idée est venue d'un de nos locataires anglais, en 2004, qui jouait au golf. Il avait pris ses clubs pour jouer au Golf de Carcassonne pendant ses vacances. A son arrivée, il est resté stupéfait devant les hectares des collines des Roujoux. Avec son oeil professionnel et son aide, nous avons fait un TERRAIN de GOLF d'apprentissage de 9 trous dans la colline (sans équipement) pour s'amuser. Nous l'avons tous essayé !! Depuis nous l'avons amélioré et le locataire, qui depuis est devenu un ami, revient, 15 jours pour faire ses parties de golf aux Roujoux. Des fous rires en perspectives !

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To reach Castelnaudary, you have three options:
1. Start at the Toulouse Airport and head towards the Carcassonne Airport.
2. Alternatively, you can start at the Carcassonne Airport directly.
3. Another option is to begin your journey at the SNCF railway station.

Once you are on the A7 motorway, take the Castelnaudary exit.
If you prefer the RN 11 route, follow the signs towards Roujoux.
Upon reaching the entrance of Castelnaudary, look for the roundabout with a McDonald's. Take the RD 623 road towards Fanjeaux and continue in the direction of "Villasavary".
After driving for approximately 6 kilometers, make a right turn onto RD 116, following the signs for "Laurabuc" and "Laurac".
Drive for about 2 kilometers and then turn right to enter the village of "Laurabuc".
Cross through the village and continue on the road for another 2 kilometers.
Keep going straight, following the sign for "les Roujoux".
After driving for another 2 kilometers, you will have arrived at your destination.



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Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: reduced rates for 2 week bookings !


Swimming Pool


  • Château de Laurac: Located in Laurac, this medieval fortress is a major tourist attraction. Visitors can explore the well-preserved castle, learn about its interesting history, and enjoy panoramic views from its towers.
  • Canal du Midi: Just a short distance from Laurac, the Canal du Midi is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This historic waterway offers picturesque scenery and opportunities for boating, cycling, or walking along its peaceful towpaths.
  • Carcassonne: Situated about 25 kilometers from Laurac, Carcassonne is a fortified city known for its impressive medieval citadel, La Cité. Visitors can wander through its narrow streets, explore the castle walls, and immerse themselves in the rich history and architecture.
  • Abbaye de Saint-Hilaire: Located in the charming village of Saint-Hilaire, this ancient abbey attracts visitors with its beautiful Romanesque architecture and serene atmosphere. The abbey is also known for producing the world's first sparkling wine, Blanquette de Limoux.
  • Lac de la Ganguise: Nature lovers will enjoy a visit to Lac de la Ganguise, a scenic reservoir located near Laurac. This peaceful lake offers opportunities for swimming, fishing, picnicking, and enjoying various water sports.
  • Limoux: Situated on the banks of the Aude River, Limoux is a charming town famous for its lively carnival celebrations and sparkling wine production. Visitors can explore its quaint streets, visit local wineries, and indulge in the delicious local cuisine.
  • Château de Saissac: About 15 kilometers from Laurac, the Château de Saissac is a well-preserved medieval castle perched on a hilltop. Visitors can discover its fascinating history, explore its towers and dungeons, and enjoy breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Grotte de Limousis: Nature enthusiasts can explore the Grotte de Limousis, a stunning limestone cave located near Laurac. Guided tours take visitors through its intricate formations, including the impressive "Cathedral" and "Organ" chambers.
  • Castelnaudary: Situated on the banks of the Canal du Midi, Castelnaudary is a charming town known for its traditional cassoulet dish. Visitors can explore its historic center, visit the Grand Bassin, and enjoy scenic walks along the canal. 10. Château de Pennautier: Located near Carcassonne, the Château de Pennautier is a beautiful Renaissance-style castle surrounded by vineyards. Visitors can tour the castle, admire its elegant architecture, and sample the renowned wines produced on-site.

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