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Alain Beaujard
150 Rue De La Gare


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3 60 100 250 950 10 10
Holiday Home 1 60 100 250 950 10 10


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  • Annecy: Located about 35 km away from Marlens, Annecy is known as the "Venice of the Alps" due to its picturesque canals and charming old town. Visitors can explore the medieval Château d'Annecy, stroll along the stunning Lake Annecy, and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere of the city.
  • Château de Menthon-Saint-Bernard: Situated around 20 km from Marlens, this magnificent castle overlooks Lake Annecy and offers breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains. The castle dates back to the 10th century and features well-preserved architecture, beautiful gardens, and fascinating historical exhibits.
  • Gorges du Fier: Located approximately 20 km from Marlens, the Gorges du Fier is a natural wonder not to be missed. This narrow gorge was carved by the Fier River, and visitors can walk on a suspended footbridge to admire the impressive rock formations and roaring water.
  • Albertville: Just a short drive from Marlens, Albertville hosted the 1992 Winter Olympics. The town offers various attractions, including the Olympic Museum showcasing memorabilia from the Games, the medieval Conflans district with its charming streets and buildings, and the nearby medieval town of Conflans.
  • Le Semnoz: Situated about 30 km from Marlens, Le Semnoz is a scenic mountain known for its stunning panoramic views. Visitors can enjoy hiking, biking, or driving to the summit, where they can witness breathtaking vistas of Lake Annecy, the Alps, and even Mont Blanc on clear days.
  • Les Gorges du Pont du Diable: Located around 30 km away from Marlens, this natural site offers a unique experience. Visitors can explore a series of impressive canyons, waterfalls, and rock formations. The highlight is the Pont du Diable (Devil's Bridge), an ancient stone bridge spanning the River Eau Rousse.
  • Fort de Tamié: Situated approximately 25 km from Marlens, this historical fortress is nestled in the mountains and offers a glimpse into the region's past. Visitors can explore the fort's underground tunnels, learn about its military significance, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes.
  • Talloires: Located around 20 km from Marlens, Talloires is a charming village on the shores of Lake Annecy. It is known for its beautiful beaches, water sports activities, and the Abbaye de Talloires, a former Benedictine monastery turned luxury hotel.
  • Château de Faverges: Situated about 15 km away from Marlens, this medieval castle offers a fascinating glimpse into the region's history. Visitors can explore the castle's towers, ramparts, and courtyards, and learn about its role in protecting the area during ancient times. 10. Les Jardins Secrets: Located approximately 25 km from Marlens, these hidden gardens are a true oasis of tranquility. Visitors can discover a variety of themed gardens, water features, unusual plants, and even a secret passage, making it a delightful place to relax and enjoy nature.

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