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Magalie Lanoe
Labastide St Pierre


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €335






Description for B&B:

Our guest room is situated on the first floor, providing complete privacy from our main living area. It features a fully equipped kitchen and separate toilet facilities. Additionally, there is a charming terrace with a pergola, perfect for enjoying meals in a shaded setting. The room offers a picturesque view of the basin, where our two beautiful coï carps swim gracefully. To further enhance your relaxation, our swimming pool is conveniently located under the shade of a fig tree. You may also have the pleasure of a visit from Louise, our friendly Vietnamese sow. We warmly welcome your furry companions, as long as they are friendly towards other four-legged friends.


Appréciations pour L'arche De Lanoë, Labastide St Pierre:

Super séjour à l'arche de Lanoë
Review by: Lavazais, Aou 2 2020 5:10PM
Nous avons passés une super semaine du samedi 25 juillet au samedi 1er août. Magalie et Sylvain sont des hôtes très sympas et pleins de bonnes idées balades et restos. La chambre est fraîche en plein été et magnifiquement décorée, le matelas très confortable. Le coin salle de bain est très cosy avec une magnifique baignoire patte de lion et une table de machine à coudre revisitée en lavabo qui est du plus bel effet. Elle est très spacieuse et dispose de son petit espace détente toujours avec une déco de goût.
La cuisine est grande et équipée d'un joli petit frigo rétro.
Parlons des animaux, Louise la truie vietnamienne vous tiendrait des conversations à n'en plus finir et adore la pastèque
Sherlock le chien est adorable ainsi que les 2 chats. La fontaine et ses 2 carpes koï donne du charme au jardin déjà joliment fleuri.
La piscine vous rafraîchira au retour de vos balades.
Le cadre est très calme, loin du bruit et de l'agitation des grandes villes. Cadre de repos idéal pour une détente +++
N'hésitez pas à goûter les confitures de Magalie elles sont excellentes
Alors si vous êtes de passage dans la region de Montauban ou tout simplement en séjour, L'arche de LaNoë est l'endroit où séjourner.

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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 335 335 450 450
Holiday Home 1 56 65 9


Swimming Pool
Animals Allowed


  • Toulouse: Located approximately 20 kilometers north of Labastide St Pierre, Toulouse is a vibrant city known for its rich history, beautiful architecture, and lively atmosphere. Some of the must-visit attractions include the Basilica of Saint-Sernin, the Capitole de Toulouse, the Cité de l'Espace (Space City), and the charming Old Town.
  • Montauban: Situated just 10 kilometers southwest of Labastide St Pierre, Montauban is a picturesque town with a unique architectural heritage. The town is famous for its pink-brick buildings, which can be admired while strolling through the charming streets or visiting notable landmarks such as the Place Nationale, the Ingres Museum, and the Pont Vieux (Old Bridge).
  • Canal du Midi: A UNESCO World Heritage site, the Canal du Midi is a historic waterway that stretches from Toulouse to the Mediterranean Sea. Visitors can enjoy scenic boat tours or take leisurely walks along the towpaths, appreciating the beautiful landscapes, charming villages, and impressive engineering of this 17th-century canal.
  • Cordes-sur-Ciel: Located around 80 kilometers northeast of Labastide St Pierre, Cordes-sur-Ciel is a stunning medieval hilltop village perched high above the surrounding countryside. Its winding cobblestone streets, well-preserved architecture, and breathtaking views make it a popular tourist destination. Explore the narrow alleys, visit the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, and enjoy the unique atmosphere of this enchanting place.
  • Albi: Situated approximately 65 kilometers northwest of Labastide St Pierre, Albi is a city renowned for its remarkable red-brick cathedral, Sainte-Cécile, and the Toulouse-Lautrec Museum. The historic center, a UNESCO World Heritage site, offers a fascinating blend of Gothic and Renaissance architecture, charming streets, and a vibrant cultural scene.
  • Moissac: Located just 9 kilometers east of Labastide St Pierre, Moissac is home to the famous Abbey of Saint-Pierre, another UNESCO World Heritage site. This Romanesque abbey, renowned for its impressive cloister, attracts visitors with its intricate sculptures and peaceful surroundings. The town also offers beautiful gardens, a bustling market, and the opportunity to explore the charming streets along the Tarn River.
  • Lauzerte: Situated around 40 kilometers southeast of Labastide St Pierre, Lauzerte is a picturesque medieval village perched on a hilltop. With its well-preserved buildings, charming squares, and breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside, it is a perfect destination for a peaceful stroll. Don't miss the Church of Saint-Barthélemy and the Place des Cornières, which are among the highlights of this delightful village. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from exploring historical cities to enjoying the natural beauty of the region.

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