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Michel Gobillon
29 Rue Collin D'harleville


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1 322 322 409 535




  • Château de Maintenon: Located just a short distance from your address, the Château de Maintenon is a stunning castle with a rich history. Built in the 12th century, it features beautiful gardens, a picturesque moat, and an impressive aqueduct. Visitors can explore the castle's grand rooms and learn about the life of Madame de Maintenon, the former owner and wife of King Louis XIV.
  • Chartres Cathedral: Situated in the nearby city of Chartres, the Chartres Cathedral is a masterpiece of Gothic architecture. This UNESCO World Heritage site is famous for its intricate stained glass windows, towering spires, and stunning sculptural details. Visitors can marvel at the cathedral's beauty, take a guided tour, and even attend a mesmerizing light and sound show in the evenings.
  • Foulées Maintenonnaises: If you're interested in experiencing local culture and community spirit, the Foulées Maintenonnaises is an annual running event that takes place in Maintenon. Held in May, this race attracts both locals and tourists and offers a chance to participate or cheer on the runners. The event includes various distances suitable for all ages and fitness levels.
  • Maison Picassiette: In the city of Chartres, you can find the Maison Picassiette, a unique and fascinating attraction. This house is entirely covered in mosaic art made from broken glass, pottery, and other materials. Created by a former laborer, Raymond Isidore, the house showcases his creativity and dedication to creating a whimsical and colorful environment. Visitors can explore the house and admire the intricate designs.
  • Musée des Beaux-Arts de Chartres: The Musée des Beaux-Arts de Chartres is an art museum located in Chartres. It houses an impressive collection of paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts from various periods. The museum's highlights include works by renowned artists such as Monet, Renoir, and Rodin. Visitors can enjoy the diverse range of artworks and gain insights into the region's artistic heritage.
  • Eure-et-Loir Natural Park: For nature enthusiasts, the Eure-et-Loir Natural Park offers a tranquil and scenic escape. This park covers a vast area and features diverse landscapes, including forests, rivers, and meadows. Visitors can go hiking, cycling, or simply enjoy a peaceful picnic amidst the beautiful surroundings. The park is also home to a rich array of wildlife, making it an ideal spot for birdwatching and nature photography.
  • Parc et Château de Versailles: Although located a bit further away in Versailles, the Parc et Château de Versailles is undoubtedly worth a visit. This iconic palace, known for its opulent interiors and vast gardens, served as the principal residence of French kings and queens. Visitors can explore the grand halls, the Hall of Mirrors, and the meticulously manicured gardens, experiencing the splendor of the royal court firsthand. These attractions offer a mix of historical, cultural, and natural experiences, showcasing the diverse offerings near your address in Maintenon, France.

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