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Odile Frantz
Abbaye de Capservy


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Price per night:

price from €85




Description for B&B:

Located in a picturesque 28-hectare green space, this exquisite property boasts a serene lake perfect for fishing, as well as a refreshing swimming pool for sunbathing and aquatic activities. With three bedrooms and two mezzanines that can accommodate up to two extra guests, each room offers the luxury of private showers and toilets. The rates for a two-person stay range from 85 to 95, with an additional charge of 20 for each extra person, including a delightful breakfast. For those seeking a more independent stay, there is a charming studio available, complete with a kitchenette and a lovely south-facing balcony. The rate for a two-person stay in this studio is 100, with an extra charge of 20 for additional guests, including a delectable breakfast.


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If you are coming from Toulouse or Montpellier on the A61 motorway, you will need to take the Carcassonne West exit. From there, continue following the signs for Mazamet (look out for the green arrows on the D118 road) for a distance of 17 km. Along the way, you will pass Villardonnel on your right. Take the first left turn in front of the hostels.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 85 100 20
(3 pers.)
3 105 120 20


Swimming Pool
Credit cards accepted
Animals Allowed


  • Carcassonne: Located just 10 kilometers from Abbaye de Capservy, Carcassonne is a UNESCO World Heritage site and boasts a stunning medieval fortress. Explore the well-preserved city walls, the Basilica of Saint-Nazaire, and the Count's Castle. The narrow streets and charming shops offer a delightful experience.
  • Canal du Midi: This 17th-century canal is another UNESCO World Heritage site and is perfect for a leisurely boat ride or a peaceful walk along its banks. Admire the picturesque scenery, lush vineyards, and quaint villages that dot the canal's route.
  • Lac de la Cavayère: Situated just outside Carcassonne, this man-made lake offers a range of recreational activities such as swimming, kayaking, and paddleboarding. Surrounded by pine forests, it provides a serene setting for picnics or simply relaxing by the water.
  • Château de Lastours: A short drive from Abbaye de Capservy, Château de Lastours is a collection of four medieval castles perched atop a rocky hill. Hike up to the ruins and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. Guided tours provide insights into the castle's history and legends.
  • Limoux: Known for its sparkling wine, Blanquette de Limoux, this charming town is approximately 40 kilometers away. Stroll through the narrow streets, visit the local wineries, and indulge in the town's gastronomic delights.
  • Gouffre Géant de Cabrespine: Located about 30 kilometers from Abbaye de Capservy, this vast underground cave system is a true natural wonder. Explore the impressive stalactites and stalagmites on a guided tour and marvel at the subterranean beauty.
  • Minerve: Nestled in the dramatic gorges of the River Cesse, Minerve is a historic village rich in medieval architecture. Discover the ancient Cathar fortifications, explore the narrow streets, and enjoy breathtaking views over the surrounding vineyards.
  • Narbonne: Situated approximately 55 kilometers away, Narbonne offers a blend of history, culture, and beachside relaxation. Visit the awe-inspiring Narbonne Cathedral, explore the Roman ruins, and soak up the sun at the nearby beaches.
  • Fontfroide Abbey: This Cistercian abbey, located around 50 kilometers from Abbaye de Capservy, is renowned for its beautiful architecture and serene atmosphere. Take a guided tour to learn about its fascinating history and enjoy the peaceful gardens. 10. Mediterranean Coast: The stunning Mediterranean Sea is within reach, with beaches such as Gruissan and Narbonne-Plage less than an hour's drive away. Enjoy sunbathing, water sports, and coastal walks along the picturesque shoreline.

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