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Agnes Roques
17 Chemin de la mole ; Prat du ritou
Lorp Sentaraille



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Price per night:

price from €70






Description for B&B:

Located in Lorp-Sentaraille, close to the scenic river "le salat" and within a kilometer of the ancient Gallo-Roman city of St. Lizier, you will find "La Maison Blanche." Just three kilometers away from St. Girons, this historic mansion holds the heritage of one of the oldest families. Agnès and Alain warmly invite you to experience a slice of France in the captivating region of "Le Couserans," nestled near the majestic Pyrenees mountains. Within its walls, La Maison Blanche offers a haven of tranquility, providing a serene escape and a breath of fresh air.

Description for Gite


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From Toulouse, travel 100 km (62 miles) towards St. Girons. Once you reach the Lorp-Sentaraille village, near the church, make a left turn and continue following the roadsigns until you reach a white house with blue shutters.

If you are coming from Carcassonne or Foix, head towards St. Girons. Upon reaching the town, continue in the direction of Tarbes and Toulouse. After 2 km, you will arrive in Lorp-Sentaraille. Near the church, make a right turn and continue following the roadsigns until you reach a white house with blue shutters.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 70 80 10 oui
(3 pers.)
1 80 90 oui


Disabled Access


  • Chateau de Foix: Located in the town of Foix, this medieval castle offers stunning views of the surrounding area. Explore its well-preserved rooms, learn about its history, and enjoy the beautiful architecture.
  • Parc de la Prehistoire: Situated in Tarascon-sur-Ariege, this prehistoric park takes visitors on a journey through time. Discover life-size replicas of prehistoric animals, cave paintings, and interactive exhibits that showcase the region's ancient history.
  • Grotte de Niaux: This cave system, located near Tarascon-sur-Ariege, is famous for its Paleolithic cave paintings. Take a guided tour to admire the impressive artwork created thousands of years ago and learn about the lives of our ancient ancestors.
  • Niaux Castle: Found in the village of Niaux, this 13th-century castle is a fascinating historical site. Explore its well-preserved ruins, wander through its courtyards, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Musee des Beaux-Arts: Situated in the city of Foix, this art museum showcases a diverse collection of paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts. Admire works by renowned artists while learning about the local and regional art scene.
  • Cascade d'Ars: Located in Aulus-les-Bains, this picturesque waterfall is a natural gem. Follow the hiking trails that lead to the cascades and enjoy the tranquil atmosphere and beautiful scenery.
  • Grotte de Lombrives: Situated in Ornolac-Ussat-les-Bains, this cave is one of the largest in Europe. Take a guided tour to discover impressive rock formations, underground lakes, and intriguing legends associated with the cave.
  • Montsegur Castle: Found in the village of Montsegur, this castle holds great historical significance as a Cathar stronghold during the Middle Ages. Explore its ruins, learn about the Cathar history, and enjoy panoramic views of the Pyrenees.
  • Maison des Consuls: Located in Mirepoix, this medieval house is a well-preserved example of half-timbered architecture. Admire its intricate wooden facade, explore its interior, and learn about the town's history. 10. Lac de Montbel: Situated near Chalabre, this lake offers various recreational activities. Enjoy swimming, fishing, boating, or simply relax on its shores while taking in the beautiful scenery of the surrounding mountains. These attractions near Lorp Sentaraille offer a mix of historical, natural, and cultural experiences, allowing visitors to explore the rich heritage and natural beauty of the region.

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