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Christine Gesse & Grégoire Lamy
La Verrière
Les Ardillats


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Price per night:

price from €343




Description for B&B:

Our house offers stunning views of the Beaujeu valley and the picturesque green landscapes of Beaujolais. Located just a few minutes away from the renowned Beaujolais vineyards and surrounded by an array of hiking trails, our comfortable rooms provide the perfect setting for relaxation. During the summer months, guests can enjoy our refreshing pool or unwind on one of the tranquil terraces in our garden. Our well-known table d'hote ensures a delightful dining experience, allowing you to further indulge in the pleasures of your stay. With a multitude of activities available, such as exploring the Beaujolais wines, visiting castles, hiking, discovering local producers and artisans, and enjoying adventure and wildlife parks, there is something for everyone here. Whether you are with family, a group of friends, or as a couple, you will find ample opportunities to entertain yourselves while immersing in the pure and invigorating oxygen of our surroundings.


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Take the A6 and exit at Belleville sur Saone. Follow the signs for Beaujeu and continue past the village towards Echarmeaux. At Chenelettre, make a right turn towards the neck of Cree. After traveling 5 km, you will see a sign on the right indicating the hamlet of La Verrière on the left. Our house is located nearby.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: baby's bed if wanted
(3 pers.)
2 98 118 15


Swimming Pool
Animals Allowed


  • Beaujolais Wine Route: Located in the heart of the Beaujolais wine region, this scenic route takes you through picturesque vineyards and charming villages. You can visit local wineries, taste renowned Beaujolais wines, and learn about the winemaking process.
  • Château de la Chaize: Situated in Odenas, this stunning 17th-century castle is surrounded by vineyards and offers guided tours of its opulent interiors and manicured gardens. It is also home to one of the oldest wine estates in Beaujolais.
  • Abbaye de Cluny: Located in Cluny, about 40 km away, this medieval abbey was once the largest in the Christian world. Visitors can explore the ruins of the abbey, admire the impressive architecture, and learn about its rich history.
  • Parc Naturel Régional du Haut-Beaujolais: This regional natural park is a haven for nature lovers. It encompasses beautiful landscapes, rolling hills, and dense forests. Visitors can enjoy hiking, biking, and horseback riding trails, as well as spot wildlife and admire panoramic views.
  • Hameau Duboeuf: Situated in Romanèche-Thorins, this unique wine-themed park offers a delightful experience for wine enthusiasts. It features a wine museum, vineyard train tours, wine tasting sessions, and a beautiful garden with over 300 varieties of roses.
  • Roche de Solutré: Located near the town of Solutré-Pouilly, this iconic limestone escarpment offers breathtaking views of the surrounding vineyards and the Beaujolais countryside. It is also known for its archaeological significance, as it has yielded numerous prehistoric artifacts.
  • Les Pierres Folles: These peculiar rock formations, located in Saint-Jean-des-Vignes, are an intriguing sight to behold. The rocks are shaped by erosion and offer a unique landscape for exploration and photography.
  • Vaux-en-Beaujolais: This charming village is known for its well-preserved medieval architecture, including a 13th-century castle and a Romanesque church. Visitors can stroll through its narrow streets, admire the old stone houses, and enjoy the peaceful ambiance.
  • Le Hameau des Vignerons: Situated in Fleurie, this wine cooperative offers an immersive experience into the world of winemaking. Visitors can learn about the wine production process, taste a variety of wines, and purchase bottles directly from the local producers. 10. Parc de la Tête d'Or: Located in Lyon, approximately 50 km away, this expansive urban park is perfect for a day trip. It features a large lake, a zoo, botanical gardens, rose gardens, and various recreational activities, making it an ideal spot for picnics and leisurely walks.

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