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M. Cano
St Nicolas des Eaux



1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €60




Description for B&B:

The tourism department has awarded Sabotiere with a prestigious 4-star ranking.

Description for Gite

Enjoy a delightful stay in our two beautiful holiday accommodations, perfectly positioned with mesmerizing views of the river just 10 meters away. Situated in the heart of a captivating village in Brittany, you will find an array of amenities at your doorstep, including restaurants, bars, a creperie, a pub, and a grocery store. Immerse yourself in the tranquility of the surroundings as you embark on picturesque walks along the riverbank, covering a distance of 40 to 50 kilometers. Alternatively, venture into the enchanting heart of Brittany, where medieval towns and breathtaking coastlines await your exploration. Indulge in the ultimate relaxation experience as you unwind in this exceptional destination.


Appréciations pour Le Nid, Plumeliau:

Super séjour à La Sabotière
Review by: Dominique B, Aou 7 2021 5:13PM
Joyeuses retrouvailles avec les très sympathiques propriétaires lors de notre second séjour dans leur magnifique gîte à la propreté irréprochable où règne calme et confort. Un vrai bijou. Enchantés, nous reviendrons dans ce beau et si paisible village traversé par le canal de Nantes à Brest et y pratiquer pédalos, pêche à la ligne & promenades en bateau et aussi y déguster les meilleures crêpes du morbihan. Donc, à bientôt ! Kénavo.

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To travel from Pontivy to Baud, head towards Plumeliau first and then continue on to St Nicolas des Eaux.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Holiday Home 2 60 80 360 560 non




  • Pontivy Castle - Located in the nearby town of Pontivy, this medieval castle is a must-visit attraction. Explore its impressive architecture, learn about its history, and enjoy scenic views of the surrounding landscape.
  • Abbey of Bon Repos - Situated on the banks of the Nantes-Brest Canal, the Abbey of Bon Repos is a beautifully preserved Cistercian monastery. Discover its tranquil gardens, admire the Gothic architecture, and learn about its fascinating past.
  • Lac au Duc - Just a short distance from St Nicolas des Eaux, Lac au Duc is a picturesque lake offering various outdoor activities. Enjoy swimming, sailing, fishing, or simply relax on the sandy beaches while enjoying the stunning natural surroundings.
  • Josselin Castle - Located in the town of Josselin, this magnificent medieval castle is a popular tourist spot. Marvel at its impressive towers, explore the beautiful gardens, and learn about the legends and history associated with the castle.
  • Quiberon Peninsula - Situated on the southern coast of Brittany, the Quiberon Peninsula is known for its beautiful beaches, rugged cliffs, and picturesque villages. Enjoy water sports, coastal walks, and indulge in delicious seafood in the charming towns along the peninsula.
  • Vannes - A historic walled town located on the Gulf of Morbihan, Vannes is known for its well-preserved medieval architecture and charming atmosphere. Explore the narrow streets, visit the stunning Saint-Pierre Cathedral, and wander along the picturesque harbor.
  • Carnac Stones - A short drive from St Nicolas des Eaux, the Carnac Stones are an ancient megalithic site with over 3,000 standing stones. Take a guided tour to learn about their mysterious origins and significance in ancient history.
  • Gulf of Morbihan - Considered one of the most beautiful bays in the world, the Gulf of Morbihan offers breathtaking scenery with numerous islands, sandy beaches, and crystal-clear waters. Take a boat tour, go kayaking, or simply enjoy the stunning views from the coastline.
  • Lorient - Known for its maritime heritage, Lorient is a vibrant city with a rich cultural scene. Explore the Submarine Base, visit the Eric Tabarly Sailing Museum, and enjoy the lively atmosphere at the Port de Plaisance. 10. Quimper - Located in the Finistère department, Quimper is a charming town known for its traditional Breton culture. Visit the Cathedral of Saint-Corentin, stroll through the picturesque streets lined with half-timbered houses, and explore the Musée des Beaux-Arts.

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