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Rémi Bécherel
Domaine de Puybéton



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Price per night:

price from €220




Description for B&B:

Two out of our three tree houses serve as charming bed and breakfast accommodations. These eco-friendly structures have been constructed with utmost consideration for the environment that surrounds them. Offering an array of luxurious amenities such as cozy comforts, a terrace spa, and a refreshing swimming pool, these tree houses are designed to fulfill all your desires. Whether accommodating two or four individuals, their unique and captivating decorations are sure to captivate you.

Description for Gite

Our charming holiday cottage, nestled in the picturesque surroundings inspired by the majestic Hautefort Castle, can accommodate two to six guests. The exterior is beautifully adorned, reflecting the castle's architectural elegance. Inside, you will find utmost comfort, complemented by a range of amenities offered within the park, including a refreshing swimming pool and a delightful tree terrace.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 220 250 1463 1583 Oui
(3 pers.)
1 220 250 1463 1583 30 Oui
Notes: In summer week only


Swimming Pool
Credit cards accepted


  • Château de Monbazillac: Located just 13 kilometers away from Domaine de Puybéton, Château de Monbazillac is a stunning 16th-century castle surrounded by vineyards. Visitors can explore the castle's interior, learn about its history, and enjoy wine tastings of the renowned Monbazillac sweet white wine.
  • Bergerac Old Town: Situated approximately 18 kilometers from Domaine de Puybéton, Bergerac Old Town is a charming area known for its well-preserved medieval architecture. The narrow streets are lined with timber-framed houses, quaint shops, and traditional restaurants. Visitors can also take a stroll along the Dordogne River and admire the picturesque scenery.
  • Château des Milandes: Situated around 25 kilometers away, Château des Milandes is a magnificent castle famous for being the former residence of Josephine Baker, an American-born French entertainer. The castle offers guided tours that showcase its grandeur and highlights Baker's life, including her exotic gardens and a bird of prey show.
  • Les Jardins de Sardy: Located approximately 13 kilometers from Domaine de Puybéton, Les Jardins de Sardy is a beautifully landscaped garden that spans over 5 hectares. Visitors can wander through the various themed gardens, including a Japanese garden, rose garden, and water garden, providing a peaceful and relaxing experience.
  • Château de Bridoire: Situated around 20 kilometers away, Château de Bridoire is a unique medieval fortress that offers an interactive and entertaining experience for visitors of all ages. The castle features a range of traditional games, including archery, giant chess, and medieval bowling, providing a fun and educational visit.
  • Château de Biron: Located approximately 30 kilometers from Domaine de Puybéton, Château de Biron is a remarkable fortress perched on a hilltop. This well-preserved castle offers guided tours that take visitors through its impressive architecture, stunning views, and rich historical past.
  • Musée du Tabac: Situated about 17 kilometers away, Musée du Tabac is a unique museum dedicated to the history and culture of tobacco. Visitors can explore exhibits that showcase the production process, the social impact, and the artistry associated with tobacco through the ages.
  • Château de Lanquais: Located approximately 27 kilometers from Domaine de Puybéton, Château de Lanquais is a fortified castle with a rich history dating back to the 13th century. Visitors can discover its medieval architecture, admire the panoramic views from the tower, and learn about the castle's role in the Hundred Years' War. These attractions near Domaine de Puybéton offer a diverse range of experiences, from exploring historical castles to enjoying scenic gardens and immersing in the cultural heritage of the region.

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