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Buisine Gerard
Le val Harangt



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Price per night:

price from €100





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Description for B&B:

Situated amidst a lush orchard of 600 mature apple trees, the building provides a picturesque setting for the production of cider, Calvados (an apple brandy), and Normandie Pommeau. The tranquil environment is further enhanced by the presence of Dartmoor ponies grazing in the orchard, making it an ideal location for beginners to train in jumping and pony-trap pulling. This charming bed and breakfast offers a peaceful retreat for adults, children, and even babies. The bedrooms feature independent access and en suite bathrooms, with an additional bed available upon request for children.


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Take the A28 motorway and exit at Gacé. From there, continue towards Lisieux for 8 kilometers. Then, turn left onto Le Val Harangt road and travel for 1.5 kilometers.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 100 100 25


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Animals Allowed


  • Château de Falaise: Located in the town of Falaise, approximately 20 kilometers from Le Val Harangt, Château de Falaise is a historic castle known for its impressive medieval architecture. It was the birthplace of William the Conqueror and offers visitors a chance to explore its towers, ramparts, and interactive exhibits.
  • Bagnoles de l'Orne: Situated around 30 kilometers from Le Val Harangt, Bagnoles de l'Orne is a charming spa town nestled in the heart of the Normandy countryside. Visitors can enjoy the beautiful Lake Bagnoles, take leisurely walks in the forest, or relax in one of the town's thermal spas.
  • Mont Saint-Michel: Although a bit further away at around 150 kilometers, Mont Saint-Michel is a must-visit attraction near Le Val Harangt. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is an iconic island commune with a stunning abbey perched atop a rocky outcrop. Known for its picturesque beauty and medieval architecture, Mont Saint-Michel attracts millions of tourists each year.
  • Suisse Normande: Located approximately 40 kilometers from Le Val Harangt, Suisse Normande is a picturesque region characterized by its hilly landscapes, meandering rivers, and charming villages. It offers numerous outdoor activities such as hiking, canoeing, and rock climbing, making it a popular destination for nature enthusiasts.
  • Caen Memorial Museum: Situated around 50 kilometers from Le Val Harangt, the Caen Memorial Museum is a renowned museum dedicated to the history of World War II and the D-Day landings. It provides an in-depth and emotional journey through the events leading to the war's outbreak and its aftermath.
  • Bayeux Tapestry: Located approximately 70 kilometers from Le Val Harangt, the Bayeux Tapestry is an impressive 70-meter-long embroidered cloth depicting the events leading up to the Norman conquest of England. This historic masterpiece is housed in the Bayeux Museum and offers a fascinating glimpse into medieval history.
  • Alençon: Situated around 50 kilometers from Le Val Harangt, Alençon is a charming town famous for its delicate lace production. Visitors can explore the historic center, visit the Maison d'Ozé, a museum dedicated to Alençon lace, and admire the beautiful Notre-Dame Basilica.
  • Carrouges Castle: Located approximately 25 kilometers from Le Val Harangt, Carrouges Castle is a magnificent medieval fortress. With its impressive towers, ramparts, and beautifully landscaped gardens, it offers visitors an opportunity to step back in time and explore its rich history. These are just a few of the many tourist attractions near Le Val Harangt that offer a diverse range of experiences, from exploring historic castles and museums to enjoying the natural beauty of the Normandy countryside.