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Christine De Hennezel
Chemin Des Justices Lieu Dit La Garenne


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Price per night:

price from €90






Description for B&B:

Experience a warm and friendly welcome at Clos des 3 Artistes, where you will find elegantly decorated rooms in an old residence. Nestled within a picturesque park, this charming accommodation offers the perfect opportunity for leisurely walks. Additionally, guests have the chance to explore the arts studio on the premises. Conveniently located just 1km north of the "Tournus" exit on the A6 highway, this establishment is only 2km away from the exquisite Romanesque Abbay of Tournus, boasting architectural wonders from the 10th to 12th centuries. Other nearby attractions include the historic Hotel-Dieu from the 17th century, excellent restaurants, the enchanting banks of the Saône River, complete with graceful swans, and wine tasting cellars. Furthermore, Clos des 3 Artistes serves as a starting point for exploring the Mâconnais-Beaujolais and Châlonnais wine routes, as well as the scenic châteaux route. Notably, it is in close proximity to the Abbay of Cluny, a renowned religious center, and the panoramic and prehistoric sites. With a vibrant cultural scene, visitors can enjoy a multitude of concerts, large-scale exhibitions, antique shows, book fairs, artisanal crafts events, and Christmas markets.


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To get to Le Clos des 3 Artistes, follow these directions:

1. Take the A6 exit no. 27 towards "TOURNUS".
2. After the toll, continue in the direction of Chalon sur Saône and Sennecey on the D906.
3. Drive approximately 1km north on the D906.
4. Look for the Winery of Mancey, which will be on your right after about 800m.
5. Keep driving on the D906 until you reach Perret-Paysage.
6. At the level of Perret-Paysage, turn left.
7. Proceed through the tunnel under the highway.
8. After exiting the tunnel, turn left again.

You will then arrive at Le Clos des 3 Artistes.



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Prices in €
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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: The extended Venice room 25m2 with a double bed and small antechamber with a single bed, plus private bathroom and toilet.
Notes: The Suite with two adjoining bedrooms, one with a double bed and bathrooom and the other with 1 single bed in an alcove and toilet. plus private bathroom and toilet.




  • Abbey of Tournus: Located in the town of Tournus itself, this Romanesque abbey dates back to the 11th century. It is known for its impressive architecture, beautiful cloister, and ancient crypt.
  • Château de Cormatin: Situated about 10 kilometers from Tournus, this stunning Renaissance castle is surrounded by magnificent gardens. Visitors can explore the opulent interiors and enjoy the tranquility of its extensive grounds.
  • Hôtel-Dieu Museum, Tournus: This historical hospital turned museum exhibits a collection of medical instruments, pharmacy artifacts, and other healthcare-related items. It provides an interesting insight into the medical practices of the past.
  • Brou Royal Monastery: Located in Bourg-en-Bresse, approximately 40 kilometers from Tournus, this magnificent Gothic-style monastery is a UNESCO World Heritage site. It features intricate sculptures, beautiful stained glass windows, and the tombs of the royal family.
  • Cluny Abbey: Situated in Cluny, about 25 kilometers from Tournus, this medieval abbey was once the largest in the world. Although now partially in ruins, it still showcases its former grandeur and offers a glimpse into its rich history.
  • Lamartine Museum, Macon: This museum is dedicated to the renowned French poet, Alphonse de Lamartine. It displays personal belongings, manuscripts, and memorabilia related to the poet's life and works. Macon is located around 30 kilometers from Tournus.
  • Roche de Solutré: Located near Macon, approximately 35 kilometers from Tournus, this limestone escarpment is a popular destination for nature lovers and hikers. It offers stunning panoramic views of the surrounding vineyards and countryside.
  • Chalon Cathedral: Situated in Chalon-sur-Saône, around 40 kilometers from Tournus, this cathedral is an architectural masterpiece. Its impressive Gothic facade, beautiful stained glass windows, and intricate sculptures make it a must-visit attraction.
  • Musée Nicéphore Niépce, Chalon-sur-Saône: This museum is dedicated to the history and art of photography, showcasing a collection of antique cameras, photographs, and photographic equipment. It pays tribute to Nicéphore Niépce, one of the pioneers of photography. 10. Taizé Community: Located in the village of Taizé, about 15 kilometers from Tournus, this ecumenical community attracts thousands of visitors from around the world. It offers a peaceful environment for prayer, meditation, and reflection, making it a popular spiritual retreat.

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