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Bram et Jozé
25 Fragne


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price from €275




Description for B&B:

We offer a variety of accommodations for groups of different sizes. Our connected gîtes can accommodate 4, 6, and 14 people, allowing a maximum capacity of 28 individuals. In addition to the gîtes, we also have two sets of 6 camping spots available for those who prefer a more adventurous stay.

Description for Gite

We offer three rural gîtes suitable for different group sizes. The first gîte can accommodate 4 people with 2 bedrooms, the second gîte can accommodate 6 people with an additional floor and 2 bedrooms, and the third gîte can accommodate 14 people. The third gîte is a magnificent 17th-century house with ample living space and a well-equipped kitchen. All our gîtes are situated on our organic farm.

Our gîtes are perfect for various occasions such as a one-night stay, a weekend getaway, or a week-long vacation. Whether you're planning a trip with friends or family, our accommodations cater to your needs. You can choose to have a lively gathering or enjoy a peaceful and active holiday.


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To reach Sarzay from Paris, follow these travel directions: Take the A10 towards Orléans / Vierzon. Then, continue on the A20 towards Chateauroux. Exit onto the D943 towards La Chatre. Finally, take the D51/41 to reach Sarzay.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Holiday Home 3 50 210 275 1395 non


Swimming Pool
Disabled Access
Animals Allowed


  • Château de Sarzay: Located in the village of Sarzay, this medieval fortress is a must-visit attraction. The well-preserved castle showcases architectural features from different periods, offering a glimpse into France's rich history.
  • George Sand's House: Situated in Nohant-Vic, the former residence of renowned French writer George Sand is now a museum. Visitors can explore the charming rooms where she lived and wrote, and learn more about her life and literary works.
  • Parc Naturel Régional de la Brenne: A nature lover's paradise, this regional park is known for its beautiful landscapes, diverse wildlife, and numerous lakes. The park offers hiking trails, birdwatching opportunities, and a chance to immerse yourself in the peaceful surroundings.
  • Châteauroux: The largest city in the Indre department, Châteauroux boasts a variety of attractions. Explore its historic center, visit the impressive Saint-André Church, or discover the Musée Bertrand, which exhibits an extensive collection of art and archaeological finds.
  • Éguzon Chantôme: Located on the shores of Lake Chambon, Éguzon Chantôme is a charming village offering stunning views of the lake and surrounding countryside. Enjoy water activities like swimming and sailing, or simply relax and soak up the tranquil atmosphere.
  • La Maison de Jour de Fête: Situated in the village of Sainte-Sévère-sur-Indre, this museum celebrates the famous French comedy film "Jour de Fête" directed by Jacques Tati. Visitors can explore the recreated movie set, watch clips from the film, and learn about its production.
  • Château d'Azay-le-Ferron: Located in Azay-le-Ferron, this Renaissance castle is known for its beautiful gardens and remarkable architecture. Explore the furnished rooms, admire the intricate woodwork, and stroll through the picturesque grounds.
  • Maison de Jour de Fête: In the village of Saint-Maur, you can find another museum dedicated to Jacques Tati's film "Jour de Fête." Discover the behind-the-scenes of the movie, watch documentaries, and explore interactive exhibits related to the film's themes. These attractions offer a mix of historical, cultural, and natural experiences, ensuring a memorable visit to the region surrounding 25 Fragne, Sarzay, 36230, France.

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