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Evelyne Menard
33 Route de Thones
Veyrier du Lac


2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €80






Description for B&B:

The room named "Spinner" is located on the ground level with a garden view, featuring a terrace and a small kitchenette. It offers two beds measuring 0.90 each. Similarly, the room known as "Semnoz" is also situated on the ground level with garden access. This room provides a spacious bed measuring 1.60, along with a kitchenette and a terrace.


Appréciations pour Le Haut du Lac, Veyrier du Lac:

Rien à dire " Super"
Review by: Dorsimont, Mai 26 2016 8:41PM
La propriétaire est très accueillante, Donne de bons conseils. Chambre magnifique au pied des montagnes. Séjour impeccable. Piscine face au lac.
CHAMBRES D'HOTES "Le haut du Lac" à Veyrier du Lac
Review by: Philippe BARTH, Nov 3 2012 3:10PM
Des chambres confortables et aménagées avec goût, donnant sur une piscine
Le magnifique Lac d'Annecy à 180 degrés et les montagnes alentours.
Et l'accueil chaleureux d'Evelyne et Yves, aux petits soins pour vous.
Pour une journée ou une semaine de vacances, "Le Haut du Lac" vous donnera envie de revenir

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Take the motorway exit and head towards Annecy Lake. Follow the lake on the eastern bank, passing through Veyrier-du-Lac, until you reach "The Aravis" - also known as "tuna". The house is located 800 meters from the roundabout on the right side.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 80 110 oui


Swimming Pool


  • Château de Menthon-Saint-Bernard: Located just a short distance from Veyrier du Lac, this magnificent castle offers panoramic views of Lake Annecy. The medieval fortress is known for its impressive architecture and beautifully maintained gardens.
  • Les Jardins de l'Europe: Situated along the lakefront in Annecy, Les Jardins de l'Europe is a stunning park filled with meticulously landscaped gardens, statues, and flower beds. Visitors can enjoy a leisurely stroll or have a picnic while taking in the picturesque views.
  • Annecy Old Town (Vieille Ville): Explore the charming streets and canals of Annecy's Old Town. This pedestrian-friendly area is lined with colorful buildings, quaint shops, and delightful cafes. Don't miss the iconic Palais de l'Isle, a 12th-century castle that now serves as a museum.
  • Lake Annecy: As one of the cleanest lakes in Europe, Lake Annecy is a popular destination for water activities. Visitors can enjoy swimming, boating, paddleboarding, or simply relax on the lakeside beaches. The crystal-clear turquoise waters surrounded by stunning mountains create a breathtaking setting.
  • Semnoz: For outdoor enthusiasts, Semnoz is a must-visit destination. This mountain offers numerous hiking and biking trails, as well as opportunities for paragliding and rock climbing. In winter, Semnoz transforms into a skiing and snowboarding paradise.
  • Gorges du Fier: Located near Annecy, the Gorges du Fier is a natural wonder that shouldn't be missed. Visitors can walk along a suspended footbridge, observing the impressive limestone cliffs and the roaring river below.
  • Talloires: Situated on the eastern shores of Lake Annecy, Talloires is a charming village known for its picturesque setting and historic buildings. The Abbey of Talloires, a former 17th-century priory, is a notable landmark worth visiting.
  • Annecy Castle Museum (Musée-Château d'Annecy): Housed in the restored Annecy Castle, this museum showcases the history and art of the region. Visitors can explore the castle's towers, medieval chambers, and enjoy various exhibitions that highlight the local heritage.
  • Palais de l'Isle: Located in the heart of Annecy's Old Town, the Palais de l'Isle is a distinctive triangular-shaped building perched on a small island in the Thiou River. It now serves as a history museum, providing insights into the city's past. 10. Annecy Cathedral (Cathédrale Saint-Pierre d'Annecy): This magnificent cathedral dates back to the 16th century and features stunning Gothic architecture. Inside, visitors can admire beautiful stained glass windows and intricate woodwork. These attractions offer a mix of historical, natural, and cultural experiences, allowing visitors to explore the beauty and heritage of the region surrounding Veyrier du Lac.

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