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corinne Bonnifet


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price from €400




Description for Gite

Eric and Corinne warmly invite you to their beautifully restored 16th-century manor house, nestled in the picturesque countryside near Valognes, Cherbourg, and the historic D-Day beaches. Surrounded by lush gardens and fields, our recently renovated 18th-century cottage offers two charming apartments, accommodating 3 and 4 guests respectively (or can be booked as a whole for groups of up to 7).

Situated in a prime location, the manor provides easy access to a wealth of attractions, including the captivating "La cité de la mer" in Cherbourg, the enchanting Channel Islands of Jersey and Guernesey, as well as the iconic D-Day beaches and their poignant monuments, such as Utah Beach, Omaha Beach, and Sainte Mére lEglise.

GITE N°1, designed for 3 guests, features a cozy ground floor living/dining room with comfortable sofas and a grand, yet non-functional, old fireplace. Adjacent to this, there is a bar area equipped with basic cooking facilities including a microwave and refrigerator. Upstairs, you'll find a spacious room with a queen size bed and an additional single bed. The bathroom boasts a charming bath-tub, wash-hand basin, and WC, complete with stylish bamboo flooring.

For larger groups of up to 4 guests, GITE N°2 offers a generous ground floor living/dining room adorned with plush sofas and an elegant, inoperative old fireplace. This apartment also includes modern amenities such as a TV, CD/DVD reader, and Internet access. The fully-equipped kitchen, complete with a microwave, refrigerator, dishwasher, washing machine, and dryer, can be found in the adjacent bar area. Upstairs, two spacious rooms await, each furnished with a queen size bed and two single beds. The bathroom is equipped with a refreshing shower, wash-hand basin, and WC, complemented by beautiful bamboo flooring.

Guests of both apartments can enjoy the private garden, which encompasses a cozy patio with ample seating. While a portion of the garden is reserved for our B&B guests, the rest is exclusively for the enjoyment of our cottage guests.

We look forward to welcoming you to our exquisite manor house, where history and tranquility blend harmoniously with modern comforts.


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extra bed
Holiday Home 2 90 110 400 750




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  • Cité de la Mer: Situated in Cherbourg-en-Cotentin, approximately 23 kilometers from Savigny, Cité de la Mer is a fascinating maritime museum and aquarium. It offers exhibits on underwater exploration, the Titanic, and houses a large aquarium with diverse marine life.
  • Sainte-Mère-Église: A historical village located around 27 kilometers from Savigny, Sainte-Mère-Église is known for its association with the D-Day landings during World War II. Visitors can explore the Airborne Museum and the iconic church where a paratrooper famously got caught on its spire.
  • Utah Beach: Situated on the western coast of the Cotentin Peninsula, Utah Beach played a significant role in the D-Day invasion. This beach features a museum that delves into the history of the Normandy landings and showcases military artifacts.
  • La Maison du Biscuit: Located in Sortosville-en-Beaumont, approximately 12 kilometers from Savigny, La Maison du Biscuit is a delightful bakery and biscuit shop. Here, visitors can sample and purchase a wide variety of traditional French biscuits and pastries.
  • Chateau de Carneville: Situated in Carneville, just a short drive from Savigny, the Chateau de Carneville is an impressive 18th-century castle. Surrounded by beautiful gardens, it offers guided tours that provide insights into the castle's architecture and history.
  • Tatihou Island: Accessible by boat from Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue, around 28 kilometers from Savigny, Tatihou Island is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Visitors can explore its nature reserve, visit the maritime museum, and enjoy panoramic views from the island's fortified tower.
  • Maison Jacques Prévert: Located in Omonville-la-Petite, approximately 40 kilometers from Savigny, Maison Jacques Prévert is a museum dedicated to the famous French poet and screenwriter. The museum showcases his life, works, and features beautiful gardens to explore.
  • Abbaye de Cerisy-la-Forêt: Situated in Cerisy-la-Forêt, about 45 kilometers from Savigny, the Abbaye de Cerisy-la-Forêt is a stunning medieval abbey. Visitors can take guided tours to discover its architectural beauty and learn about its historical significance. 10. Hambye Abbey: Located in Hambye, approximately 55 kilometers from Savigny, Hambye Abbey is a well-preserved Cistercian abbey dating back to the 12th century. Visitors can wander through its ruins, admire the Gothic architecture, and enjoy the peaceful surroundings. These attractions offer a mix of historical, cultural, and natural experiences near Savigny, Valognes, providing visitors with a diverse range of options to explore during their visit.

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