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Marie-Annick Poulin
8 Rue Laurent Bonnemant



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Price per night:

price from €390





Description for B&B:

This delightful guest room is situated in a beautifully furnished and adorned townhouse, nestled in a charming neighborhood close to the historic center of Arles. The room boasts soft, soothing colors and stunning terracotta floors, adorned with tasteful antique furnishings. Wake up to a homemade breakfast in the tranquil garden, and enjoy the serenity and calmness that this accommodation offers, right in the heart of the bustling city. With one spacious bedroom featuring an ensuite bathroom and two beds, as well as an additional bedroom with a cozy 120-sized bed for one person or two children, this place also offers a spacious bathroom and a separate WC for your convenience.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 390 390 540 600 20 oui
Notes: si utilisation de la cham


Animals Allowed


  • Arles Amphitheatre: Located just a short distance from your address, the Arles Amphitheatre is a well-preserved Roman amphitheater that dates back to the 1st century AD. It is one of the most iconic tourist attractions in Arles and hosts various cultural events throughout the year.
  • Van Gogh Foundation: Situated in the heart of Arles, the Van Gogh Foundation is a museum dedicated to the life and works of the renowned artist, Vincent van Gogh. The museum showcases a collection of his original paintings and provides insights into his time spent in Arles.
  • Alyscamps: Alyscamps is an ancient Roman necropolis, located just outside the city walls of Arles. This historic site is known for its rows of sarcophagi and beautiful avenues lined with cypress trees. It offers a serene and atmospheric setting for a peaceful stroll.
  • Arles Museum of Ancient Arles: This museum is housed in a former 17th-century mansion and displays a vast collection of archaeological artifacts from ancient Arles. The exhibits provide a fascinating insight into the city's Roman and pre-Roman history.
  • Saint-Trophime Church: A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Saint-Trophime Church is an impressive Romanesque church located in the heart of Arles. Its stunning architecture, intricate carvings, and beautiful cloister make it a must-visit attraction for history and art enthusiasts.
  • Place du Forum: This historic square in Arles was a popular meeting place during Roman times and continues to be a vibrant hub today. Lined with cafes and restaurants, it offers a lively atmosphere and is known for its association with Vincent van Gogh, who famously painted "Café Terrace at Night" here.
  • Espace Van Gogh: Housed in the former Arles Hospital where Vincent van Gogh was treated, Espace Van Gogh is now a cultural center hosting exhibitions and events. The building itself is a beautiful example of 16th-century architecture and offers a tranquil courtyard garden.
  • Arles Market (Les Arènes): Held twice a week, the Arles Market is a bustling open-air market where you can find a wide variety of local produce, clothing, crafts, and more. It is a great place to immerse yourself in the local culture and pick up some unique souvenirs. These attractions are all within a short distance from your address in Arles, allowing you to explore the rich history, art, and culture of the city.

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