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Payet Pascale
14 Lotissement des Bougainvilliers


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price from €440






Description for Gite

This gite offers a spacious accommodation measuring 70 m2. It features two double rooms with air conditioning, along with a cabin room that includes two bunk beds. The gite also provides a bathroom with a WC, a cozy living-kitchen area, and a terrace for relaxation. Additionally, guests can enjoy a large pool with a pool house and take advantage of a convenient parking space.


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extra bed
Apartment 1 440 590 non


Swimming Pool


  • Kelonia - This turtle observatory and museum is located in Saint-Leu and offers visitors the opportunity to learn about and observe various turtle species. It also focuses on the conservation and protection of these endangered creatures.
  • Musée Stella Matutina - Situated in Saint-Leu, this museum showcases the history and culture of Réunion Island through its sugar and rum industries. Visitors can explore exhibits on the island's agricultural heritage, visit the distillery, and learn about the production processes.
  • Jardin d'Eden - Located in Saint-Gilles-les-Bains, this botanical garden is a serene oasis with a variety of tropical plants and flowers. Visitors can stroll through the gardens, enjoy the peaceful atmosphere, and learn about the diverse flora of the region.
  • Le Maïdo - A popular viewpoint, Le Maïdo offers breathtaking panoramic views of the island's cirques and the vast Indian Ocean. It is located in Saint-Paul, a short drive from Saint-Leu, and is a favorite spot for hikers and nature lovers.
  • Les Makes Paragliding Site - For adventure seekers, Les Makes is a renowned paragliding spot located in Saint-Louis. Visitors can enjoy tandem flights with experienced instructors and take in the stunning aerial views of Réunion Island.
  • Le Souffleur - A natural blowhole located in Saint-Pierre, Le Souffleur is a geological formation where waves crashing into the cliffs create spouts of water and air. It offers a unique spectacle and is a popular attraction for visitors.
  • Piton de la Fournaise - For those interested in volcanoes, Piton de la Fournaise is a must-visit. It is an active volcano located in the eastern part of Réunion Island. Visitors can hike to the volcano's crater and witness the impressive volcanic landscapes.
  • Les Roches Noires - A beautiful coastal area in Saint-Gilles-les-Bains, Les Roches Noires features black volcanic rocks, clear blue waters, and stunning views. It is an ideal spot for swimming, picnicking, and enjoying the beach.
  • Cascade de Grand Galet - Situated in Saint-Joseph, this waterfall is known for its picturesque setting and natural beauty. Visitors can take a short hike to reach the cascades and enjoy the refreshing ambiance surrounded by lush vegetation. 10. Domaine du Café Grillé - Located in Saint-Joseph, this coffee plantation offers guided tours where visitors can learn about the coffee-making process, sample different coffee varieties, and explore the scenic grounds of the estate. These attractions are all within a reasonable distance from 14 Lotissement des Bougainvilliers, Saint-Leu, making them easily accessible for tourists.

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