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10 Chemin de Las Coumes



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Description for B&B:

The charming chalet known as "Gite de Charme," which has been awarded 3 stars by Gites de France, is situated at an elevation of 850 meters. It is located at the entrance of the Pyrenees National Park, hidden away in a peaceful hamlet within the Val d'Azun valley. Accessible via a private lane, this tranquil and pristine location offers a warm welcome from the owner.

Upon entering the front door, you will be greeted by a terraced garden that leads to a field and wooded area. The interior of the vacation home is adorned with wood and tasteful decorations, creating a bright and cozy atmosphere. The ground floor features an open concept design, with wall-to-wall windows that provide breathtaking views of the mountains. The surroundings offer a sense of tranquility, with beautiful outdoor spaces to explore.

The chalet serves as an ideal starting point for a variety of outdoor activities, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the area.

Description for Gite

Welcome to the "Gite de Charme," a stunning chalet nestled in a serene hamlet in the picturesque Val dAzun valley. This charming accommodation has been awarded 3 stars by Gites de France and sits at an elevation of 850 meters, serving as the perfect gateway to the breathtaking Pyrenees National Park.

As you follow the private lane, you will discover a tranquil and unspoiled haven, where the owner extends a warm and inviting welcome. The front door opens up to a terraced garden that leads to a field and woodlands beyond. Inside, the chalet boasts warm wood furnishings, creating a cozy and comforting atmosphere. Five large windows offer spectacular views of the majestic summits, flooding the vacation home with natural light.

With the chalet as your base, you will have access to a wide range of outdoor activities, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the beauty of the surrounding nature. Whether you prefer hiking, mountain biking, or simply taking in the awe-inspiring scenery, this location has something to offer every outdoor enthusiast. Additionally, the gite is a self-contained accommodation that is available year-round, ensuring that you can enjoy this remarkable experience whenever it suits you.


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Holiday Home 1 260 460


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  • Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes: Located in the nearby town of Lourdes, this world-renowned pilgrimage site attracts millions of visitors each year. The sanctuary is famous for its grotto, where the Virgin Mary is said to have appeared to Saint Bernadette Soubirous in 1858.
  • Pic du Midi de Bigorre: A popular mountain peak in the Pyrenees, the Pic du Midi de Bigorre offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. Visitors can reach the summit via a cable car and explore the observatory, museum, and even spend the night in the observatory's hotel.
  • Château de Pau: Situated in the city of Pau, this magnificent castle dates back to the Middle Ages and served as the birthplace of King Henry IV of France. The castle now houses a museum showcasing the history of the region and offers guided tours of its opulent interiors and beautiful gardens.
  • Gavarnie Cirque: Located in the Pyrenees National Park, Gavarnie Cirque is a UNESCO World Heritage site known for its stunning natural beauty. The cirque features towering cliffs, a charming village, and a spectacular waterfall, making it a paradise for hikers, nature lovers, and photographers.
  • Pont d'Espagne: A picturesque spot in the Pyrenees, Pont d'Espagne is a natural bridge over a mountain stream. The area offers scenic walking trails, stunning waterfalls, and opportunities for wildlife spotting. During the winter months, it transforms into a popular ski resort.
  • Parc Animalier des Pyrénées: Situated in Argelès-Gazost, this wildlife park allows visitors to get up close and personal with various animals native to the Pyrenees region. From bears, wolves, and lynxes to ibexes and vultures, the park offers a unique educational experience for both adults and children.
  • Les Halles de Pau: Located in the heart of Pau, Les Halles is a vibrant covered market offering a wide range of fresh local produce, gourmet products, and traditional French delicacies. It's a great place to experience the local culinary scene and shop for regional specialties.
  • The Pyrenees National Park: Spanning across France and Spain, the Pyrenees National Park is a natural paradise with diverse landscapes, including mountains, lakes, and forests. Visitors can enjoy hiking, birdwatching, and observing the park's rich flora and fauna.
  • Château de Montaner: Situated near the village of Montaner, this medieval fortress offers a glimpse into the region's history. The castle's well-preserved walls, towers, and courtyards provide an atmospheric setting for exploring its history through exhibitions and guided tours. 10. Musée Massey: Located in Tarbes, the Musée Massey is an art and history museum housed in a beautiful 19th-century park. The museum features an extensive collection of fine arts, decorative arts, and archaeology, showcasing the heritage and culture of the region. These attractions offer a mix of natural beauty, historical significance, cultural experiences, and culinary delights, ensuring a diverse range of options for tourists near 10 Chemin de Las Coumes, Aucun, France.

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