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Jacqueline Aarnts
Ld Les Bourdeaux


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Price per night:

price from €90





Description for B&B:

Les Bourdeaux offers three guest rooms, each with its own en-suite bathroom and named after renowned French wines. These rooms seamlessly blend old-world charm with modern comfort, boasting luxurious, spacious, and luminous interiors.

Located on the first floor with private staircase access, the Champagne room accommodates two guests and features two single beds. Its bathroom includes both a bath and a separate shower.

Also situated on the first floor with private staircase access, the Fleurie room serves as our family room, accommodating up to four guests with four single beds. The bathroom in this room is equipped with a shower.

On the ground floor, the Sancerre room stands as an independent space from the main house, complete with a private entrance and a charming terrace. This room comfortably accommodates two guests with a double bed. The bathroom in Sancerre has a shower and is wheelchair accessible.

All of our rooms provide complimentary Wifi for our guests' convenience. Additionally, on the first floor, you will find a library with a television, English books, and information about the surrounding area.

Outside the house, our guests can enjoy a garden, a summer kitchen with a covered terrace, a jeu de boule court, and a giant chess board. For relaxation or a refreshing dip, our pool offers stunning views of the hills surrounding Monflanquin.


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To locate B&B Les Bourdeaux, head south from Monflanquin along a small road that connects the D676 to Villeneuve-sur-Lot and the D253 to Savignac s/Leyze. In Monflanquin, you will find the B&B across from a large parking area and to the right of the Tabac. Take the D253 towards Savignac s/Leyze and continue for approximately 1.3 miles. On the right-hand side, you will see a sign indicating Les Bourdeaux. Turn right and follow the road for another 0.3 miles. At this point, you will encounter directions to turn right again, and you will soon spot Les Bourdeaux in front of you. For GPS users, the coordinates are approximately L00º 4601"O - B: 44º3037"N.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: (French) breakfast is included in the price.
Notes: (French) breakfast is included in the price.


Swimming Pool
Disabled Access


  • Château de Bonaguil: Located about 14 kilometers from Monflanquin, this stunning medieval fortress is a popular tourist attraction. It offers guided tours to explore its well-preserved architecture, dramatic towers, and beautiful gardens.
  • Bastide de Monflanquin: The town of Monflanquin itself is a tourist attraction, known for its well-preserved medieval architecture. Visitors can wander through its charming streets, admire the ancient buildings, and enjoy panoramic views from the fortified town square.
  • Château de Biron: Situated about 16 kilometers from Monflanquin, this impressive castle dates back to the 12th century. It features a mix of architectural styles and offers guided tours to explore its grand halls, medieval kitchens, and beautiful gardens.
  • Musée des Bastides: Located in Monflanquin, this museum provides insights into the history and development of the bastide towns in the region. It showcases artifacts, exhibits, and interactive displays that depict the daily life and cultural heritage of the area.
  • Parc en Ciel: Situated about 20 kilometers from Monflanquin, this adventure park offers thrilling activities for all ages. Visitors can enjoy zip-lining, tree-top courses, giant slides, and other outdoor adventures surrounded by the picturesque countryside.
  • Grotte de Lastournelle: Only a short drive away from Monflanquin, this cave system offers guided tours to explore its stunning limestone formations and underground chambers. It is a great opportunity to witness the natural beauty and geological wonders of the area.
  • Château de Gavaudun: Located approximately 25 kilometers from Monflanquin, this medieval castle offers guided tours to discover its rich history and architectural features. The castle is perched on a hilltop, providing panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Parc Walibi Sud-Ouest: Situated about 40 kilometers from Monflanquin, this amusement park is a great destination for families. It features a variety of rides, attractions, and shows for all ages, ensuring a fun-filled day for everyone.
  • Musée des Bastides et du Paysage: Located in Villefranche-du-Périgord, about 30 kilometers from Monflanquin, this museum focuses on the history, culture, and landscapes of the region. It showcases exhibits related to the development of bastide towns and the natural beauty of the area. 10. Château de Duras: Situated approximately 40 kilometers from Monflanquin, this 12th-century castle offers guided tours to explore its magnificent Renaissance-style architecture, furnished rooms, and extensive gardens. Visitors can also enjoy panoramic views from the castle's terrace. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from exploring medieval castles and towns to enjoying outdoor adventures and cultural exhibitions.

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