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Arthemis Cordier
4161 Route De St Hippolyte Du Fort


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price from €75





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Notes: Petit déjeuner inclus


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  • La Bambouseraie en Cévennes: Located in Générargues, this unique botanical garden is home to a vast collection of bamboo species from all around the world. Visitors can explore the lush greenery, admire the impressive bamboo structures, and enjoy picturesque views.
  • Pont du Gard: A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Pont du Gard is an ancient Roman aqueduct located near Vers-Pont-du-Gard. This architectural marvel is a testament to the engineering skills of the Romans and offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape.
  • Uzès: Known for its well-preserved medieval architecture, Uzès is a charming town located nearby. Visitors can stroll through its narrow streets, visit the famous Uzès Cathedral, and explore the Duchy of Uzès, one of the oldest noble families in France.
  • Nîmes: Situated just a short drive away, Nîmes is a historic city renowned for its well-preserved Roman monuments. The famous Arena of Nîmes, Maison Carrée, and the Temple of Diana are among the must-visit attractions in this vibrant city.
  • Aigues-Mortes: This medieval walled city, located near the Mediterranean coast, is a fascinating tourist destination. Visitors can walk along the ramparts, explore the charming streets, and learn about the city's rich history.
  • Les Cévennes National Park: Offering breathtaking natural beauty, Les Cévennes National Park is a haven for outdoor enthusiasts. With numerous hiking trails, cascading waterfalls, and diverse flora and fauna, this park is perfect for nature lovers and adventure seekers.
  • Grotte des Demoiselles: Located near Saint-Bauzille-de-Putois, this stunning cave system is a popular tourist attraction. Visitors can take guided tours to witness the impressive stalactites and stalagmites formations, as well as the vast underground chamber called the "Cathedral".
  • Anduze: Known for its pottery and picturesque streets, Anduze is a delightful town situated on the edge of the Cévennes National Park. It is famous for its charming old town, the iconic Clock Tower, and the scenic River Gardon, where visitors can take boat trips.
  • Le Vigan: Nestled in the heart of the Cévennes mountains, Le Vigan is a peaceful town known for its traditional architecture and beautiful surroundings. Visitors can explore the town's historic center, visit the local museum, and enjoy the peaceful ambiance of the region. 10. Cirque de Navacelles: Located within the Causses and Cévennes UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Cirque de Navacelles is a breathtaking natural formation. This stunning circular valley was formed by the River Vis and offers panoramic views, making it a favorite spot for photographers and nature lovers.

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