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Edith Varney
9 Rue Du Haut


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price from €343






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1 343 343
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1 65 65
Holiday Home 1


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  • Château de Cirey-sur-Blaise: Located in the nearby village of Cirey-sur-Blaise, this 18th-century castle was once the residence of the famous French philosopher Voltaire. Visitors can explore the castle's beautiful gardens and learn about its historical significance.
  • Langres: Situated a short drive away, Langres is a charming fortified town known for its well-preserved medieval ramparts. Take a leisurely stroll along the city walls and discover its historic buildings, including the Saint-Mammès Cathedral and the Maison des Lumières Denis Diderot.
  • Lake Der-Chantecoq: Approximately 30 minutes southeast of Culmont, Lake Der-Chantecoq is the largest artificial lake in France. It offers a variety of water activities, such as sailing, windsurfing, and fishing. The lake is also a haven for birdwatchers, with numerous species of migratory birds inhabiting the area.
  • Musée d'Art et d'Histoire de Chaumont: Located in the nearby town of Chaumont, this museum showcases a diverse collection of art and historical artifacts. Visitors can explore exhibitions that range from contemporary art to ancient Roman artifacts, providing an enriching cultural experience.
  • Colombey-les-Deux-Églises: Situated approximately 40 minutes southwest of Culmont, Colombey-les-Deux-Églises is a small village known for its association with General Charles de Gaulle. Visit the Charles de Gaulle Memorial and the La Boisserie, the former residence of de Gaulle, to learn about the life and legacy of this influential political figure.
  • Abbaye de Clairvaux: Located in Ville-sous-la-Ferté, around 40 minutes northeast of Culmont, the Abbaye de Clairvaux is an ancient Cistercian abbey founded in 1115. Explore the ruins of the abbey, including its impressive church and medieval buildings, and learn about its rich history.
  • Parc de la Mouche: Situated in Chaumont, this expansive park offers a peaceful retreat with beautiful gardens, walking paths, and a lake. It is an ideal spot for a picnic, leisurely walks, or simply enjoying the tranquility of nature.
  • Saint-Dizier: Approximately 30 minutes northwest of Culmont, Saint-Dizier is a bustling town with a rich heritage. Explore its historic center, visit the Saint-Dizier Museum, and admire the impressive Saint-Martin Church. These attractions offer a range of cultural, historical, and natural experiences near 9 Rue Du Haut, Culmont, providing visitors with ample opportunities for exploration and enjoyment.