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10 Rue Des Penassoux


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price from €95





Description for B&B:

This enchanting cottage boasts five ensuite bedrooms, each exuding charm and comfort. Nestled on six acres of beautifully landscaped gardens, the cottage offers a serene retreat. A spacious swimming pool awaits, accompanied by a charming terrace for relaxation. Indulge in exquisite home-cooked meals prepared by a retired gourmet chef, ensuring a culinary experience of the highest caliber.

Description for Gite

Welcome to our delightful cottage boasting five beautifully designed en-suite bedrooms. Nestled on a stunning six-acre landscape garden, this charming abode offers a serene escape for your stay. Take a refreshing dip in the expansive swimming pool and unwind on the spacious terrace, soaking up the tranquil ambiance. Indulge in exceptional home-cooked cuisine prepared by an esteemed retired gourmet chef, ensuring a truly unforgettable culinary experience.


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'10 Pénassoux Street,



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
5 95 175 665 1225 25 1250



  • Château de Puyguilhem: Located in Villars, about 10 km from Thiviers, this Renaissance-style castle is known for its elegant architecture and beautiful gardens. Visitors can explore the interior and learn about the history of the castle while enjoying stunning panoramic views.
  • Grotte de Villars: Situated in Villars, approximately 11 km from Thiviers, this prehistoric cave is famous for its impressive stalactite formations. Guided tours take visitors through the cave system, showcasing fascinating rock formations and prehistoric cave paintings.
  • Château de Jumilhac: About 18 km from Thiviers, this magnificent castle, also known as the "Black Pearl of the Green Périgord," is a must-visit attraction. With its fairytale-like appearance, the castle offers guided tours that allow visitors to explore its opulent interiors and picturesque gardens.
  • Périgueux: Located about 30 km from Thiviers, Périgueux is a historic city that offers a variety of attractions. The Saint-Front Cathedral, dating back to the 12th century, is a UNESCO World Heritage site and a significant landmark. The city also boasts charming medieval streets, a vibrant market, and numerous museums showcasing the region's art and history.
  • Brantôme: Situated approximately 35 km from Thiviers, Brantôme is often referred to as the "Venice of the Périgord." This picturesque town is built around the Dronne River and features a stunning abbey built into a cliffside. Visitors can enjoy boat tours, explore the town's winding streets, and indulge in delicious local cuisine.
  • Château de Bourdeilles: Located about 40 km from Thiviers, this medieval castle offers a glimpse into the region's rich history. The castle is divided into two parts: the medieval fortress and the Renaissance palace. Visitors can explore both sections and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Lascaux IV: Situated approximately 50 km from Thiviers, Lascaux IV is a replica of the famous Lascaux Cave, which is closed to the public to preserve its prehistoric artwork. The replica offers an immersive experience, showcasing the stunning cave paintings created by our ancestors thousands of years ago.
  • Sarlat-la-Canéda: Located about 55 km from Thiviers, Sarlat-la-Canéda is a charming medieval town renowned for its well-preserved architecture. Visitors can wander through narrow cobblestone streets, admire the stunning Renaissance buildings, and explore the vibrant local market, offering delicious regional products.
  • Château de Hautefort: Situated approximately 60 km from Thiviers, this fairy tale-like castle is surrounded by beautiful gardens and offers breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside. Visitors can explore the castle's opulent interiors, stroll through the extensive gardens, and attend various cultural events hosted on the premises. 10. Les Eyzies-de-Tayac-Sireuil: Located about 65 km from Thiviers, Les Eyzies-de-Tayac-Sireuil is often referred to as the "Capital of Prehistory." The town is home to numerous prehistoric sites, including the famous Font-de-Gaume cave, where visitors can see authentic cave paintings. The National Museum of Prehistory also offers a fascinating insight into the region's rich archaeological heritage.

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