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Pascal Marete
Petit Jassinet
Lans En Vercors


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  • Parc Naturel Régional du Vercors: Located in the heart of the Vercors Massif, this regional nature park offers stunning landscapes, diverse wildlife, and outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, and skiing.
  • Grotte de Choranche: Situated within the Vercors Regional Nature Park, this cave is renowned for its impressive stalactite formations and underground river. Guided tours allow visitors to explore the captivating underground world.
  • Musée de la Résistance en Vercors: This museum is dedicated to the French Resistance during World War II. It provides insight into the history of the region and the courageous acts of resistance fighters through various exhibits and interactive displays.
  • Les Gorges de la Bourne: These breathtaking gorges offer a picturesque setting for outdoor enthusiasts. Visitors can hike along the river, admire the towering cliffs, and enjoy the tranquility of the surrounding nature.
  • Grenoble-Bastille Cable Car: Take a ride on the cable car from Grenoble to the historic Bastille fortress, offering panoramic views of the city and the surrounding mountains. Explore the fortress, visit the exhibitions, and enjoy the restaurants and cafes.
  • Lac du Monteynard-Avignonet: This stunning lake is perfect for water sports and relaxation. Visitors can go sailing, windsurfing, or kayaking, or simply soak up the sun on the sandy beaches. The lake is also famous for its unique floating footbridge.
  • Vizille Castle: Located in the town of Vizille, this beautiful castle houses the Musée de la Révolution Française. Discover the history of the French Revolution through artifacts, paintings, and documents, while exploring the castle's elegant gardens.
  • Les Cuves de Sassenage: These natural pools and waterfalls are a hidden gem for nature lovers. Located near the town of Sassenage, visitors can hike through the forest and discover the cascading waterfalls and crystal-clear pools.
  • Saint-Antoine-l'Abbaye: This medieval village is known for its well-preserved architecture and charming atmosphere. Explore the narrow streets lined with half-timbered houses, visit the stunning abbey, and enjoy the local shops and cafes. 10. Chartreuse Mountains: Just a short drive away, the Chartreuse Mountains offer breathtaking scenery, hiking trails, and opportunities for outdoor activities such as rock climbing and paragliding. Enjoy the peaceful atmosphere and discover the natural beauty of the area.

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