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Philippe Auro
1399 Route De Montpellier


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price from €800






Description for B&B:

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"Experience a delightful stay in our charming single-story gite, boasting two bedrooms, nestled in an enclosed garden within a picturesque park. Situated between a scenic river and a tranquil departmental road, our property offers an array of amenities including a refreshing swimming pool, a tennis court, and scenic walking and jogging trails. Stay connected with our complimentary WiFi, park your vehicle conveniently in our parking area, and make use of our laundry facilities. Additionally, enjoy the convenience of a well-equipped kitchenette or indulge in our delectable table d'hôte meals upon request."

Description for Gite

This charming gite boasts two spacious bedrooms and is conveniently located on a ground level with direct access to a secure enclosed garden. Situated within a picturesque park, it is nestled between a tranquil river and a convenient departmental road. Guests will have exclusive access to fantastic amenities including a refreshing swimming pool, a tennis court, and scenic walking and jogging paths. Additional perks include reliable wifi, convenient parking, a laundry facility, and a well-equipped kitchenette for all your culinary needs.


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extra bed
Notes: baby bed / child without supplement


Swimming Pool
Animals Allowed


  • Pont du Gard: Located about 30 kilometers north of Sommieres, the Pont du Gard is a remarkable Roman aqueduct bridge. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site and offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape.
  • Arena of Nîmes: Situated approximately 25 kilometers west of Sommieres, the Arena of Nîmes is a well-preserved Roman amphitheater. Visitors can explore this ancient site, which is still used for various events and concerts today.
  • La Grande-Motte: A seaside resort town located about 40 kilometers south of Sommieres, La Grande-Motte is known for its modern architecture and beautiful sandy beaches. It is a popular destination for sunbathing, water sports, and leisurely strolls along the promenade.
  • Aigues-Mortes: Situated approximately 40 kilometers southwest of Sommieres, Aigues-Mortes is a medieval walled town. Visitors can explore its narrow streets, visit the impressive city walls, and enjoy panoramic views from the top.
  • Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert: Located about 30 kilometers northwest of Sommieres, Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert is a charming medieval village nestled in a picturesque valley. It is known for its abbey, quaint streets, and stunning natural surroundings.
  • Les Jardins de la Fontaine: Situated in Nîmes, about 25 kilometers west of Sommieres, Les Jardins de la Fontaine is a beautiful public park featuring Roman ruins, fountains, and lush greenery. It is an ideal spot for a leisurely walk or a picnic.
  • Camargue Regional Nature Park: Located approximately 60 kilometers southwest of Sommieres, the Camargue Regional Nature Park is a vast wetland area renowned for its unique ecosystems and wildlife. Visitors can explore the park's marshes, spot flamingos, and enjoy horseback riding or birdwatching.
  • Montpellier: Situated about 30 kilometers east of Sommieres, Montpellier is a vibrant city known for its historic center, lively atmosphere, and cultural attractions. It offers numerous museums, beautiful squares, and a lively dining and shopping scene.
  • Uzès: Located approximately 40 kilometers north of Sommieres, Uzès is a charming town with a well-preserved medieval center. It is famous for its impressive ducal palace, quaint streets, and a lively Saturday market. 10. Musée Fabre: Situated in Montpellier, about 30 kilometers east of Sommieres, the Musée Fabre is an art museum housing a vast collection of European paintings from the 14th to the 21st centuries. It is a must-visit for art enthusiasts.

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