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Laumonnier Pierre & Muriel
9 Rue Michel Montaigne
Saint Martin Des Entrees


1 reviews








Description for B&B:

This is a description of a 2-bedroom apartment on the first floor, suitable for up to 3 people. It includes shower rooms and toilets for convenience. Additionally, there are separate rooms and toilets available for one person and two people respectively, along with complementary amenities. The apartment has a separate entrance and parking facilities.


Appréciations pour Laumonnier, Saint Martin Des Entrees:

appréciation : très bonne
Review by: Monsieur et Madame Bourdin Dominique, Juil 31 2010 10:49PM
Nous ne regrettons absolument pas notre choix de venir chez Mr et Mme Laumonnier ! tout était parfait !
l'accueil cordial, le confort, la propreté des chambres, le petit déjeuner !
Nous reviendrons à l'occasion de très bon coeur ! Nos amis sont du même avis que nous !

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To reach the street Michel Montaigne, take the RN13 and take exit 36. Follow the signs towards Bayeux Saint Martin entries. Take a left at the crossroads and then make two right turns. You will then be on the street Michel Montaigne.





  • Bayeux Cathedral: Located in Bayeux, just a short distance from Saint Martin Des Entrees, Bayeux Cathedral is a magnificent Romanesque-Gothic cathedral known for its beautiful architecture and stunning stained glass windows. It also houses the famous Bayeux Tapestry, a historical masterpiece depicting the events leading up to the Norman conquest of England.
  • Musée de la Tapisserie de Bayeux: Situated in Bayeux, this museum is dedicated to the preservation and display of the Bayeux Tapestry. Visitors can explore the museum to learn about the tapestry's history and significance, as well as admire its intricate details and storytelling.
  • Omaha Beach: Approximately 20 kilometers away from Saint Martin Des Entrees, Omaha Beach is one of the five landing beaches of the Normandy Invasion during World War II. It serves as a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by Allied troops on D-Day. Visitors can walk along the sandy shores, learn about the historical events at nearby museums, and pay their respects at the American Cemetery.
  • Abbaye aux Hommes (Abbey of Saint-Étienne): Situated in Caen, a short drive from Saint Martin Des Entrees, the Abbaye aux Hommes is a remarkable abbey founded by William the Conqueror. It features stunning Norman Romanesque architecture, beautiful gardens, and houses the tomb of William the Conqueror.
  • Abbaye aux Dames (Abbey of Sainte-Trinité): Also located in Caen, the Abbaye aux Dames is a medieval abbey founded by William the Conqueror's wife, Matilda of Flanders. It showcases impressive Romanesque architecture and hosts various cultural events throughout the year.
  • Musee Mémorial de la Bataille de Normandie: Situated in Bayeux, this museum provides a comprehensive overview of the Battle of Normandy during World War II. It showcases a wide range of artifacts, documents, and exhibits that recount the historic events of the battle.
  • Château de Caen: Located in Caen, the Château de Caen is a medieval stronghold that offers panoramic views of the city. It houses several museums, including the Museum of Normandy and the Fine Arts Museum, and provides insight into the region's rich history.
  • Arromanches-les-Bains: Situated approximately 25 kilometers from Saint Martin Des Entrees, Arromanches-les-Bains is a coastal town famous for its artificial Mulberry Harbor, which played a crucial role in the D-Day landings. Visitors can explore the remnants of the harbor, visit the D-Day Museum, and enjoy the picturesque surroundings.
  • Juno Beach Centre: Located in Courseulles-sur-Mer, about 40 kilometers away from Saint Martin Des Entrees, the Juno Beach Centre is a museum dedicated to the Canadian contributions and sacrifices during the D-Day landings. It offers interactive exhibits, artifacts, and personal stories that provide a unique perspective on the historic events. 10. Pegasus Bridge: Situated near Bénouville, approximately 30 kilometers from Saint Martin Des Entrees, Pegasus Bridge holds great historical significance as it was the site of the first assault during the D-Day landings. The original bridge has been preserved and a museum nearby tells the story of the British 6th Airborne Division's mission to secure the bridge.

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