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Severine Trocellier
Saint Sauveur De Peyre



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Price per week:

price from €400





Description for B&B:

Situated 6 km away from the A75 motorway, this spacious house boasts over 170 m² of living space. With its large windows, the house is flooded with natural light, creating a bright and airy atmosphere. Nestled in a tranquil and peaceful village, traffic is minimal as the village is located in a cul-de-sac, making it an ideal setting for families with children. Enjoy unobstructed views of the majestic rock of Peyre, as there are no neighboring houses in sight.

The house features a generous 35 m² room, complete with a large television, perfect for entertainment. There are three sizable bedrooms, two measuring 17.5 m² and conveniently located on the same level, while the third bedroom spans 22 m². One bathroom offers a bathtub, while the other is equipped with a shower.

The kitchen is both spacious and modern, having been recently renovated. It is fully equipped with a double fridge, freezer, dishwasher, oven, microwave, coffee maker, toaster, kettle, and even a television.

Outside, there are several enjoyable spaces to relax and unwind. A closed-off area to the north provides a cool retreat during the summer months, perfect for outdoor meals. The south-facing balcony is a delightful spot to start the day, whether it be for relaxation or breakfast. In the southern part of the property, you will find a large trampoline and shaded trees, offering a refreshing escape. Additionally, the west-facing exterior features a round table and wooden benches, providing the perfect setting for outdoor gatherings.

For added convenience, there are two indoor garages available. This spacious and well-equipped house can comfortably accommodate two or three families, making it an excellent choice for a memorable getaway.


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To reach Rochadels, follow these travel directions:
1. Take the exit at the bush on the A75 motorway.
2. Proceed in the direction of Aumont Aubrac.
3. Continue towards Saint Sauveur de Peyre.
4. Pass through Saint Sauveur and head towards Aumont Aubrac.
5. After traveling approximately 1km, turn right towards Rochadels.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Holiday Home 1 70 100 400 589


Disabled Access
Animals Allowed


  • Gorges du Tarn: Located about 30 kilometers south of Rochadels, the Gorges du Tarn is a breathtaking natural attraction. The deep, narrow canyon carved by the Tarn River offers stunning views, opportunities for hiking, canoeing, and rock climbing, as well as picturesque villages along its banks.
  • Aven Armand: Situated approximately 20 kilometers northeast of Rochadels, Aven Armand is a remarkable limestone cave known for its impressive stalactites and stalagmites formations. Visitors can explore the cave through guided tours and witness the stunning underground beauty.
  • Aubrac Plateau: Located around 50 kilometers west of Rochadels, the Aubrac Plateau is a vast and picturesque highland area. It offers breathtaking views of rolling hills, traditional stone houses, and grazing herds of cows. The plateau is perfect for hiking, biking, or simply enjoying the serene beauty of the countryside.
  • Mende Cathedral: Situated in the town of Mende, approximately 30 kilometers northeast of Rochadels, Mende Cathedral is a magnificent Gothic cathedral. Built between the 14th and 17th centuries, it boasts intricate architectural details and stunning stained glass windows. The cathedral is a must-visit for history and architecture enthusiasts.
  • Château de La Baume: Located about 25 kilometers southeast of Rochadels, Château de La Baume is an impressive medieval castle perched atop a hill. The castle offers guided tours, allowing visitors to explore its rooms, towers, and courtyards, while also enjoying panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.
  • Lac de Charpal: Situated approximately 40 kilometers southwest of Rochadels, Lac de Charpal is a tranquil lake nestled in the Lozère countryside. It provides opportunities for fishing, boating, and picnicking, surrounded by beautiful woodland and meadows.
  • Wolf Park of Gévaudan: Located about 40 kilometers east of Rochadels, the Wolf Park of Gévaudan is a unique wildlife park dedicated to the preservation of wolves. Visitors can observe wolves in their natural habitat and learn about their behavior, history, and conservation efforts.
  • Micropolis, City of Insects: Situated approximately 35 kilometers north of Rochadels, Micropolis is an interactive museum dedicated to the world of insects. It offers fascinating exhibits, educational displays, and live insect habitats, allowing visitors to discover the incredible diversity and importance of these tiny creatures. These attractions near Rochadels offer a mix of natural wonders, cultural landmarks, and unique experiences, providing visitors with a diverse range of options to explore and enjoy.

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