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Marie Lebrun
st do


2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €65



Description for B&B:

The spacious and charming guest room, named "Claire," welcomes you with its old wooden floors and fireplace, evoking a sense of nostalgia. With three beds and the quaint garden huts, you'll feel like you've traveled back in time. Experience the retro and well-kept atmosphere without electricity, immersing yourself in the wild. Enjoy the comforts of an ensuite bathroom in the main house. The cabin named "Helen," adorned in red, will transport you to your grandmother's era or the tales of your childhood. Relax under the old oak tree on the terrace, surrounded by nature. This cabin offers four beds. The cozy and comfortable "Anne" cabin, decorated in violet tones, provides a stunning view of the vast fields from your bed. Immerse yourself in the wild with three beds.


Appréciations pour Les Cabanes de Marie, st do:

Un séjour à St Domineuc
Review by: JL, Oct 2 2012 4:18PM
Très agréable nuit dans les cabanes : les chambres sont très joliment décorées, le cadre est reposant, et les nuits sont très calmes. L'accueil est chaleureux, et les petits déjeuners délicieux.
les cabanes de Marie
Review by: Vallée Marie No, Sep 10 2012 3:09PM
Nous sommes très satisfaits de notre passage aux cabanes de Marie,nous y avons trouvé un accueil irréprochable et une table très honorable.
Marie est une personne d'une grande gentillesse et cela a été un plaisir de partager ces moments avec elle.
Bonne adresse, bel endroit, à recommander

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If you are coming from Rennes or St Malo, take the St Dominick exit. At the traffic lights, turn left and follow the signs for Trévérien. Take the first right after that. Continue driving for 800 meters, cross the small bridge, and then immediately turn right. Drive for another 400 meters and then take a left onto a small dirt road.

For cyclists coming from the canal, use the exit close to the water sports area. Cross the subdivision and turn right. Look for a narrow passage between two houses and continue for 300 meters. Take the path on the right.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(3 pers.)
3 65 72 17



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