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Prevost Corinne
4 Rue Du Tilleul Hameau De Pierreville
Bacqueville en Caux


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Price per night:

price from €135






Description for B&B:

There is a cozy 1 bedroom featuring a comfortable double bed, along with a bathroom and a separate WC. Additionally, there is another room available which can accommodate up to 4 people, equipped with 1 double bed and 2 single beds. This room also includes a convenient shower room and a WC.


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  • Étretat Cliffs: Located about 18 kilometers northwest of Bacqueville en Caux, the Étretat Cliffs are known for their dramatic white chalk formations and stunning views of the English Channel. Visitors can explore the cliffs, walk along the beach, and admire the famous arches and needle-like rock formations.
  • Château d'Arques-la-Bataille: Situated in Arques-la-Bataille, approximately 15 kilometers northeast of Bacqueville en Caux, this medieval fortress offers a glimpse into the region's history. The castle features well-preserved towers, ramparts, and a beautiful courtyard. Visitors can explore the museum inside to learn about the castle's rich past.
  • Rouen Cathedral: Located in the city of Rouen, about 30 kilometers southeast of Bacqueville en Caux, Rouen Cathedral is a masterpiece of Gothic architecture. The cathedral's intricate facade and towering spires make it a prominent landmark. Inside, visitors can admire the stunning stained glass windows and the tomb of Richard the Lionheart.
  • Jardins d'Agapanthe: Situated in Grigneuseville, approximately 10 kilometers east of Bacqueville en Caux, these enchanting gardens cover over 20 acres of land. Created by landscape architect Alexandre Thomas, they feature a mix of English and Japanese styles, with beautiful flowerbeds, ponds, waterfalls, and charming pathways.
  • Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen: Located in Rouen, about 30 kilometers southeast of Bacqueville en Caux, this fine arts museum houses an extensive collection of paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts. Visitors can admire works by renowned artists such as Monet, Renoir, and Delacroix, as well as explore the museum's beautiful architecture.
  • Veules-les-Roses: Situated approximately 40 kilometers southwest of Bacqueville en Caux, this picturesque coastal village is known for having the shortest river in France. Visitors can stroll along the charming riverbank, admire the traditional thatched-roof houses, and relax on the sandy beach. Veules-les-Roses is also renowned for its fresh seafood.
  • Château de Dieppe: Located in the city of Dieppe, about 40 kilometers northwest of Bacqueville en Caux, this impressive castle overlooks the English Channel. Built in the 14th century, it now houses the Dieppe Museum, where visitors can learn about the city's maritime history and view various art collections.
  • Musée Victor Hugo: Situated in the city of Rouen, approximately 30 kilometers southeast of Bacqueville en Caux, this museum is dedicated to the life and works of the renowned French writer, Victor Hugo. Housed in a former mansion, the museum displays manuscripts, drawings, and personal belongings, providing insight into the author's creative world. These attractions offer a diverse range of cultural, historical, and natural experiences near Bacqueville en Caux, providing visitors with a glimpse into the rich heritage and beauty of the region.