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Sylvie & HARDY
8, grande rue / MAZENAY
Saint Sernin du Plain


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price from €339




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Take the exit for highway A6 BEAUNE and follow the signs for Autun / Nolay along "The road of the Vineyards of Beaune to Cluny" on D 974, and then D 973. Along this route, you will pass through the following villages: Pommard, the Chapel of Volnay, Auxey-Duresses, Melin, Louchardes Rochepot, and Nolay. Once you reach the exit of Nolay, turn left onto D33a towards Couches. Continue straight for approximately 5 km until you reach MAZENAY, where the road changes to D1, Main Street.



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Notes: Petit déj facultatif. Lit supplémentaire = prix pour tout le séjour (6 lit bébé et 12 lit 1 personne).




  • Château de Couches: Located in the nearby town of Couches, this medieval castle offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside. Explore its towers, dungeons, and courtyards, and learn about its rich history through guided tours.
  • Hospices de Beaune: Situated in the charming town of Beaune, the Hospices de Beaune is a former charitable almshouse founded in 1443. Visit the impressive Gothic architecture and admire the colorful tiled roof. Inside, you can explore the museum showcasing artwork and historical artifacts.
  • Abbaye de Cluny: The ruins of the Abbaye de Cluny, located in the town of Cluny, are a testament to the power and influence of the Benedictine monks during the Middle Ages. Marvel at the remains of the abbey church and the beautiful gardens that surround it.
  • Roche de Solutré: Nature lovers will enjoy a visit to Roche de Solutré, a limestone escarpment in the nearby town of Solutré-Pouilly. This iconic landmark offers panoramic views of the vineyards and countryside. Hiking to the top is a popular activity, and it is also known for its archaeological significance.
  • Hameau Duboeuf: Experience the world of wine at Hameau Duboeuf, a wine-themed park located in Romaneche-Thorins. Explore the wine museum, vineyard, and cellar, and even take a train ride through the vineyards. It's a great place to learn about the region's viticulture.
  • Musée de la Vigne et du Vin: Located in the village of Sampigny-lès-Maranges, this museum is dedicated to the history and culture of wine production in the region. Discover the tools, equipment, and techniques used in winemaking throughout the centuries.
  • Château de Cormatin: Visit the elegant Château de Cormatin, located in the village of Cormatin. This beautifully preserved 17th-century castle features stunning gardens, intricate interiors, and a maze. Guided tours provide insight into the life and history of the castle.
  • Parc des Combes: Located in Le Creusot, Parc des Combes is a family-friendly amusement park offering various rides and attractions. From roller coasters to a miniature train, there is something for everyone to enjoy. The park also has beautiful green spaces for picnicking and relaxation.
  • Musée Nicéphore Niépce: Explore the fascinating world of photography at the Musée Nicéphore Niépce in Chalon-sur-Saône. Learn about the history of photography through an impressive collection of cameras, photographs, and other related artifacts. 10. Basilique Sainte-Marie-Madeleine: Located in Vézelay, this stunning Romanesque basilica is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Marvel at its architectural beauty and intricate sculptures. The basilica is also an important pilgrimage site and a starting point for the Way of St. James.

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