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Nicole Vandon
36 Rue de l'église


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Price per night:

price from €60




Description for B&B:

There are two elegant double bedrooms located on the first floor, while the second floor offers a double room with twin beds. Each room is equipped with its own private facilities. The guest lounge conveniently opens up to the beautiful gardens, and you will find a kitchenette and garden furniture available for your use.

Description for Gite

Located in a charming XVI century farmhouse, we offer two delightful gites for your stay. "Les Camélias" comfortably accommodates up to 4 people with its two inviting bedrooms and well-appointed facilities, including a shower. Alternatively, "Les Fuchsias" is perfect for a couple, offering a cozy bedroom with twin beds and facilities that include a bath. Both gites are equipped with convenient amenities such as a washing machine, dishwasher, fridge, microwave, gas stove, and television. Outside, you can relax in the garden furniture and enjoy a delightful barbecue experience.


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To get to your destination, follow these revised directions: Take Motorway A13 and in Caen, exit onto the north périphéral. Continue straight for about 10 kilometers towards Douvres-la-Délivrande. At the roundabout, take the direction towards Courseulles/Mer and continue straight until you reach another roundabout. At this roundabout, take a left turn towards Reviers. In the village, you'll pass by a bar-grocers. After that, take the first left street, and you'll find your destination at n° 36.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 60 oui
Notes: Forfait ménage 30€




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  • Omaha Beach: Known for its historical significance, Omaha Beach is one of the landing sites of the Allied forces during D-Day. Visitors can explore the beach, visit the nearby cemetery, and learn about the events that took place there.
  • Bayeux Tapestry Museum: Located in Bayeux, this museum is famous for housing the Bayeux Tapestry, a remarkable medieval embroidered cloth depicting the events leading up to the Norman conquest of England in 1066.
  • Caen Memorial Museum: Situated in Caen, this museum is dedicated to the history of the 20th century, particularly World War II. It offers comprehensive exhibits, multimedia presentations, and artifacts that provide insight into the war's impact on the world.
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  • Château de Fontaine-Henry: This beautiful castle, located in Fontaine-Henry, features stunning architecture and picturesque gardens. Visitors can take guided tours to explore its rich history and admire the well-preserved interiors.
  • Pegasus Bridge: Situated in Bénouville, this iconic bridge played a crucial role during the D-Day landings. Today, it stands as a memorial to the British airborne troops who captured it in the early hours of June 6, 1944.
  • Gold Beach: Another significant D-Day landing site, Gold Beach is located in Arromanches-les-Bains. Visitors can explore the beach, visit the remnants of the Mulberry Harbor, and learn about the events that unfolded on this historic shoreline. 10. Caen Castle: Situated in the heart of Caen, this medieval fortress offers a glimpse into the region's history. Visitors can explore the castle's ramparts, towers, and courtyard, as well as enjoy the scenic views of the city from its walls.

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