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Roy Sandrine
17 rue du Four à Chaux


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €69






Description for B&B:

Experience complete serenity in the serene embrace of our enclosed park, adorned with a myriad of lush trees and vibrant blossoms. Awaken to the melodious symphony of birdsong, as you witness the captivating wildlife that eagerly awaits your admiring gaze. Indulge in leisurely walks along the footpaths that gracefully trace the perimeter of the park, seamlessly connecting you to the enchanting canton de Maintenon.


Appréciations pour Gîte de Bleury, Bleury:

Bon accueil!
Review by: Christian Cyr, Aou 14 2012 2:02AM
Malgré le fait que nous ne soyons restés qu'une journée, nous avons pu apprécier l'accueil de M. et Mme Roy. Les chambres sont très correctes, ainsi que le petit déjeuner et le site est une merveille de tranquillité.
Merci pour tout
Christian C et Diane P

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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 69 69 410 520 25 oui
Holiday Home 1 138 138 499 652 25 oui


Swimming Pool
Credit cards accepted
Animals Allowed


  • Chartres Cathedral - Located in Chartres, just a short drive from Bleury, Chartres Cathedral is a magnificent example of Gothic architecture. It is famous for its stunning stained glass windows and intricate sculptures, making it a UNESCO World Heritage site.
  • Maison Picassiette - Situated in Chartres, Maison Picassiette is a unique mosaic house created by Raymond Isidore. He covered his house, both inside and out, with intricate mosaics made from broken pottery, glass, and other found objects. It is a fascinating and colorful attraction.
  • Château de Maintenon - A short distance from Bleury, Château de Maintenon is a beautiful castle with a rich history. It was originally constructed in the 12th century and later expanded by King Louis XIV's mistress, Madame de Maintenon. Visitors can explore the grand architecture, beautiful gardens, and learn about its intriguing past.
  • Musée de l'École de Chartres - Located in Chartres, this museum offers insight into the history of education in France. Housed in a former school building, it features exhibits on the educational system, classrooms, and teaching methods from different eras. It provides an interesting cultural experience for visitors.
  • Chartres Labyrinth - Adjacent to Chartres Cathedral, the Chartres Labyrinth is a famous medieval labyrinth laid into the floor of the cathedral. It has been used for centuries as a spiritual tool for reflection and meditation. Visitors can walk the labyrinth and experience its calming and contemplative atmosphere.
  • Parc de la Fosse Dionne - Situated in Tonnerre, Parc de la Fosse Dionne is a picturesque park surrounding a natural spring called La Fosse Dionne. The spring is known for its crystal clear waters and the legend of a cursed treasure hidden within. The park offers a peaceful setting for a stroll or a picnic.
  • Maison de Jeanne d'Arc - Located in Domrémy-la-Pucelle, this museum is dedicated to the life and legacy of Joan of Arc, a national heroine of France. It showcases artifacts, exhibits, and multimedia presentations about her life, accomplishments, and historical context.
  • Château de Chamerolles - Situated in Chilleurs-aux-Bois, this Renaissance castle is surrounded by beautiful gardens and offers a glimpse into the life of the French nobility. It houses a museum dedicated to perfumes, showcasing the history and art of fragrance making.
  • Musée de la Préhistoire du Grand-Pressigny - Located in Le Grand-Pressigny, this museum is dedicated to prehistory and showcases an extensive collection of artifacts from the Paleolithic, Neolithic, and Bronze Age periods. Visitors can learn about the daily life, tools, and art of our ancient ancestors. 10. Château de Châteaudun - Situated in Châteaudun, this medieval fortress is perched on a hill overlooking the Loir River. It features a stunning Gothic chapel, a Renaissance wing, and a picturesque courtyard. Visitors can explore the castle's various rooms and towers while enjoying panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.

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