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Brigitte Audebert
Rue Des Clandos
Saint Jory Las Bloux


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €35






Description for B&B:

Situated in a charming village nestled in the North West of the Dordogne, Le Canard Enchanté presents an inviting Bed and Breakfast experience at affordable rates, suitable for families of all kinds. Immerse yourself in a delightful and tranquil atmosphere while indulging in our delectable local cuisine served at the table dhôtes upon request.

For outdoor enthusiasts, there are numerous hiking trails nearby, as well as bustling markets known for their truffles and hearty fare. Explore captivating prehistoric caves and immerse yourself in the rich history of the region with visits to magnificent castles spanning various eras. Additionally, guests can revel in refreshing swims in the pool, river, or nearby ponds, and partake in a multitude of activities in the surrounding area.

- Enjoy a cozy double room with breakfast included for a mere €35.
- For a slightly larger accommodation, our double room with breakfast included is available at €45.
- An additional bed for one person, complete with breakfast, can be added for a mere €15.


Appréciations pour Le Canard Enchanté, Saint Jory Las Bloux:

super accueil
Review by: solle, Juil 19 2019 4:18PM
super accueil dans cette chambre d'hôte sans prétention. Chambre impeccable et hôte très sympa.

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extra bed
Notes: breakfast included


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  • Château de Hautefort: Located approximately 10 km from Rue Des Clandos, Château de Hautefort is a stunning French castle dating back to the 17th century. It features impressive gardens, a museum, and offers guided tours to visitors.
  • Grotte de Lascaux: Situated around 40 km from Rue Des Clandos, the Grotte de Lascaux is a famous prehistoric cave complex known for its remarkable Paleolithic cave paintings. Although the original cave is closed to the public, a replica known as Lascaux II provides an immersive experience.
  • Jardins du Manoir d'Eyrignac: Located approximately 30 km from Rue Des Clandos, the Jardins du Manoir d'Eyrignac offer a beautiful and serene setting. These meticulously maintained gardens boast intricate topiaries, vibrant flowerbeds, and stunning views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Périgueux: Situated approximately 15 km from Rue Des Clandos, Périgueux is a historical city known for its well-preserved Roman ruins. Highlights include the Périgueux Cathedral, with its impressive domes, and the Vesunna Gallo-Roman Museum, which showcases artifacts from the Roman era.
  • Les Eyzies-de-Tayac-Sireuil: Located around 50 km from Rue Des Clandos, Les Eyzies-de-Tayac-Sireuil is a picturesque village nestled in the Vézère Valley. It is renowned as the "Capital of Prehistory" due to its numerous prehistoric sites and museums, such as the National Museum of Prehistory.
  • Château de Bourdeilles: Situated approximately 35 km from Rue Des Clandos, the Château de Bourdeilles is a medieval fortress overlooking the Dronne River. Visitors can explore the castle's well-preserved towers, chapels, and courtyards, as well as enjoy scenic views from its ramparts.
  • Brantôme Abbey: Located around 45 km from Rue Des Clandos, Brantôme Abbey is a historical Benedictine abbey nestled on an island in the Dronne River. This picturesque location offers visitors the chance to admire the abbey's stunning architecture and explore its tranquil gardens.
  • Grotte de Tourtoirac: Situated approximately 20 km from Rue Des Clandos, the Grotte de Tourtoirac is a natural cave system filled with impressive stalactites and stalagmites. Guided tours take visitors through the underground chambers, showcasing the cave's unique geological formations.
  • Sarlat-la-Canéda: Located around 60 km from Rue Des Clandos, Sarlat-la-Canéda is a charming medieval town known for its well-preserved historic center. Visitors can wander through its narrow cobblestone streets, admire the medieval architecture, and enjoy the vibrant markets. 10. Château de Jumilhac: Situated approximately 50 km from Rue Des Clandos, the Château de Jumilhac is a magnificent Renaissance castle surrounded by lush greenery. With its impressive towers, ornate decorations, and beautiful gardens, it offers a glimpse into the region's rich history.

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