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Patrick Aventurier
1297 route du Mas Alphonse,30350 Aigremont


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Price per night:

price from €70






Description for B&B:

We provide a warm and stylish room that is designed to ensure your comfort. This charming vineyard house is dedicated to providing a serene atmosphere for relaxation, rejuvenating massages, and the tranquil flavors of Thailand offered through our experienced hosts. Allow yourself to escape the stresses of life and unwind both physically and mentally. Explore the nearby vineyards and let the peaceful surroundings of nature soothe and refresh your mind.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 70 450 15 oui
(3 pers.)
1 90 15 oui
Apartment 1 80 85


Swimming Pool
Disabled Access


  • Pont du Gard: Located just 8 kilometers away, the Pont du Gard is a Roman aqueduct bridge that spans the Gardon River. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape.
  • Arena of Nîmes: Situated in the city of Nîmes, approximately 12 kilometers from Aigremont, the Arena of Nîmes is a well-preserved Roman amphitheater. Visitors can explore the ancient structure, attend concerts or cultural events, and learn about its historical significance.
  • Jardins de la Fontaine: These beautiful gardens are situated in the heart of Nîmes, around 12 kilometers away. The Jardins de la Fontaine offer a serene escape with fountains, Roman ruins, and manicured landscapes. Visitors can relax, take a stroll, or have a picnic in this peaceful setting.
  • Maison Carrée: In the center of Nîmes, around 13 kilometers away, you will find the Maison Carrée. This remarkably preserved Roman temple is one of the best-preserved examples of Roman architecture in the world. It now serves as a museum and hosts exhibitions on Roman history and culture.
  • Les Halles de Nîmes: Located in the historical city center of Nîmes, approximately 13 kilometers away, Les Halles de Nîmes is a vibrant indoor market. Here, visitors can experience the local atmosphere, taste regional products, and enjoy a variety of food and drink options.
  • Musée du Vieux Nîmes: Situated in the heart of Nîmes, around 13 kilometers away, the Musée du Vieux Nîmes showcases the history and heritage of the city. It exhibits a collection of archaeological artifacts, historical documents, and artworks, providing insights into the development of Nîmes over the centuries.
  • La Tour Magne: Located within the Jardins de la Fontaine, approximately 13 kilometers away, La Tour Magne is an ancient Roman tower that offers panoramic views of Nîmes and the surrounding countryside. It is the highest point in the city and a great spot for photography enthusiasts.
  • Place de la Maison Carrée: Situated in the heart of Nîmes, around 13 kilometers away, the Place de la Maison Carrée is a lively square surrounded by cafes and shops. It is an ideal place to relax, people-watch, and soak up the vibrant atmosphere of the city.
  • Musée de la Romanité: This museum is located in Nîmes, around 13 kilometers away, and offers a comprehensive collection of artifacts from the Roman period. Visitors can explore interactive exhibits, view ancient sculptures and mosaics, and learn about the Roman influence on the region. 10. Château de Tarascon: Situated approximately 45 kilometers from Aigremont, the Château de Tarascon is a medieval fortress overlooking the Rhône River. This well-preserved castle offers guided tours where visitors can discover its rich history and enjoy panoramic views from the top.

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