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Le Village
Campagne D'Armagnac


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price from €200






Description for B&B:

This house offers a single floor layout with a total of 3 bedrooms. While it may not be luxurious, it guarantees comfort for its occupants. Additionally, a beautiful grassy park surrounded by trees is located nearby, providing a tranquil environment. The property also features 2 friendly and charming donkeys, who bring joy to both young and old alike.


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Take RN 124 towards MONT DE MARSAN after passing EAUZE. Then, follow the D 30 road.



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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Holiday Home 7 30 50 200 300


Animals Allowed


  • Le Village: Located in Campagne D'Armagnac, this charming village offers a glimpse into the traditional rural life of France. Explore the narrow streets, admire the well-preserved architecture, and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere.
  • Château de Cassaigne: Situated just a short distance from Campagne D'Armagnac, this beautiful castle is renowned for its vineyards and production of Armagnac, a traditional French brandy. Take a guided tour of the estate, discover the winemaking process, and indulge in tasting sessions.
  • Nogaro Racing Circuit: Motorsport enthusiasts will appreciate a visit to the Nogaro Racing Circuit, located approximately 15 km from Campagne D'Armagnac. Enjoy adrenaline-filled races and events, or try your hand at go-karting on one of the circuit's tracks.
  • Abbaye de Flaran: Situated in Valence-sur-Baïse, about 30 km from Campagne D'Armagnac, this medieval Cistercian abbey is now a museum and cultural center. Admire the impressive architecture, sculptures, and artwork, and explore the beautiful gardens surrounding the abbey.
  • Condom: Located around 25 km from Campagne D'Armagnac, Condom is a historic town with a rich heritage. Visit the Cathedral of Saint-Pierre, stroll along the picturesque streets lined with half-timbered houses, and don't miss the Armagnac Museum to learn more about the region's famous brandy.
  • Larressingle: Known as the "Little Carcassonne," Larressingle is a fortified medieval village located approximately 35 km from Campagne D'Armagnac. Step back in time as you explore the well-preserved walls, towers, and narrow streets of this charming village.
  • Église Sainte-Marie: Situated in Aignan, around 12 km from Campagne D'Armagnac, this stunning church dates back to the 11th century. Marvel at its Romanesque architecture, intricate sculptures, and beautiful stained glass windows.
  • Château de Lavardens: Located in Lavardens, approximately 40 km from Campagne D'Armagnac, this imposing castle offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. Explore its well-preserved interior, visit the contemporary art exhibitions, and enjoy the enchanting gardens.
  • Musée d'Artagnan: Found in Auch, about 40 km from Campagne D'Armagnac, this museum is dedicated to the famous musketeer, D'Artagnan, who was born in the region. Discover the life and legends of this iconic figure through exhibits, artifacts, and interactive displays. 10. Marciac: Situated approximately 30 km from Campagne D'Armagnac, Marciac is known for its annual Jazz in Marciac festival, attracting renowned musicians from around the world. Explore the charming town, visit the Jazz Museum, and immerse yourself in the vibrant jazz atmosphere during the festival season.

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