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Celine Collignon
2 Ter Rue Du Pont Pâquis


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Price per night:

price from €75





Description for B&B:

Experience an unforgettable stay at my grandfather's barn, where you can truly immerse yourself in the diverse and authentic region nestled between the Champagne hills and the Ardennes plains. As you are enveloped by the heart of our farm, you will have the opportunity to explore and embrace the passion that drives us in our farming profession and rural way of life.

For moments of relaxation, our swimming pool area and terrace are at your disposal every day. We offer two comfortable cottages, accommodating 4 to 6 people, as well as a charming bed and breakfast for two.

During your stay, we invite you to discover the intricacies of our farming profession, including our equipment and fields. To further enhance your exploration of the beautiful Ardennes countryside, we are delighted to provide complimentary bicycles for your leisurely rides.

Rest assured, we are always available to assist you in selecting the best outings and activities to make the most of your stay with us.

Description for Gite

Our cottages feature a spacious living room with an open kitchen, a cozy sitting area with a sofa bed, a tranquil bedroom with a comfortable double bed, another bedroom furnished with two single beds, a well-appointed bathroom, and separate toilet facilities.

In our bed and breakfast, you will find a lovely room equipped with a luxurious double bed, a pristine bathroom, and separate toilet amenities. We take pleasure in serving you a delicious breakfast at your preferred time.

Indulge in ultimate relaxation at our wellness area, which boasts a heated indoor pool. Open daily from 9:30 am to 7 pm, this serene oasis awaits you.


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Situated approximately 30 minutes away from Reims and about 40 minutes from Charleville-Mézières.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 75 85 500 550
Holiday Home 2 110 120 630 700


Swimming Pool


  • Sedan Castle: Located in Sedan, approximately 17 km from Juniville, Sedan Castle is one of the largest fortified castles in Europe. The castle offers guided tours, showcasing its impressive architecture, historical artifacts, and stunning views from its ramparts.
  • Ardennes Regional Natural Park: Situated just 10 km from Juniville, the Ardennes Regional Natural Park is a beautiful natural area known for its lush forests, rolling hills, and picturesque landscapes. Visitors can enjoy hiking, cycling, and wildlife spotting in this tranquil and preserved environment.
  • Champagne-Ardenne Vineyards: Less than 30 km away from Juniville, the Champagne-Ardenne region is renowned for its vineyards and champagne production. Visitors can explore the picturesque vineyards, learn about the champagne-making process, and indulge in wine tastings at various local wineries.
  • Reims Cathedral: Located in Reims, approximately 45 km from Juniville, Reims Cathedral is a masterpiece of Gothic architecture and a UNESCO World Heritage site. The cathedral is famous for its stunning stained glass windows, intricate sculptures, and its historical significance as the coronation site of French kings.
  • Lac du Der-Chantecoq: Situated around 80 km from Juniville, Lac du Der-Chantecoq is the largest artificial lake in Europe. This scenic lake offers a wide range of water activities, including sailing, fishing, and birdwatching. Visitors can also explore the surrounding nature reserves and enjoy the peaceful ambiance.
  • Rimbaud Museum: Located in Charleville-Mézières, approximately 30 km from Juniville, the Rimbaud Museum is dedicated to the life and works of the famous French poet, Arthur Rimbaud. The museum displays personal belongings, manuscripts, and artwork related to Rimbaud, providing insight into his influential literary career.
  • The Faux de Verzy: Situated around 100 km from Juniville, the Faux de Verzy is a unique forest known for its twisted dwarf beech trees. These peculiar trees, shaped by natural mutations, create a magical and otherworldly atmosphere, attracting visitors interested in nature and photography.
  • Fort de la Pompelle: Located near Reims, approximately 50 km from Juniville, Fort de la Pompelle is a historical site dating back to World War I. The fort offers guided tours, allowing visitors to explore the underground tunnels, artillery positions, and learn about the area's military history. These tourist attractions near Juniville offer a variety of experiences, from exploring historical landmarks and natural wonders to indulging in wine tastings and immersing oneself in local culture.