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Christine Matt
1 Le Haut Quilio


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Price per night:

price from €65





Description for B&B:

Come and experience the enchanting allure of Lauré du Bois, an independent bed and breakfast situated amidst the tranquility of nature and the rustic charm of stone. Located just 30km away from the splendid sandy beaches of La Baule, 20km from the historic ramparts of Guérande, and a mere 2km from the picturesque port and scenic walks along the Vilaine in La Roche Bernard.

I would be delighted to welcome you and provide a delicious, hearty breakfast that you can savor in the shade of the oak trees. The breakfast is included in the rental fee. Additionally, if you desire, a mouthwatering dinner is available for an additional cost of 25 per person.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 65 65 400 400 10


Animals Allowed


  • Parc Naturel Régional de Brière: Located just south of Herbignac, this regional nature park is known for its picturesque landscapes, marshes, and diverse wildlife. Visitors can explore the park by boat or on foot, enjoying the tranquility and natural beauty of the area.
  • Château de Ranrouët: Situated in Herbignac itself, the Château de Ranrouët is a medieval castle that dates back to the 13th century. Visitors can tour the ruins, walk through the gardens, and learn about the castle's history through informative displays.
  • La Baule-Escoublac: Just a short drive from Herbignac, La Baule is a popular seaside resort town known for its long sandy beach and vibrant atmosphere. Visitors can enjoy water sports, relax on the beach, explore the town's upscale shops and restaurants, or take a stroll along the promenade.
  • Guérande: Located northeast of Herbignac, Guérande is a fortified medieval town famous for its well-preserved city walls. Visitors can wander through the narrow streets, visit the Saint Aubin Collegiate Church, and explore the charming shops and cafes. The town is also known for its salt marshes, where visitors can learn about salt production and purchase locally harvested salt.
  • Parc de la Brière: Another nature park near Herbignac, Parc de la Brière offers boat tours through its beautiful marshland. Visitors can admire the unique flora and fauna, observe bird species, and learn about the traditional marshland lifestyle.
  • Saint-Nazaire: Situated on the Atlantic coast, Saint-Nazaire is a port city known for its shipbuilding heritage. Visitors can explore the Escal'Atlantic museum, which showcases the history of ocean liners, visit the Submarine Base, or relax on the city's beaches.
  • Nantes: Located approximately 45 minutes northeast of Herbignac, Nantes is a vibrant city with a rich history and cultural scene. Visitors can explore the Château des Ducs de Bretagne, stroll along the charming streets of the medieval quarter, or visit the unique Machines de l'Île, which showcases mechanical art and offers rides on fantastical creations like the Great Elephant. These attractions offer a variety of experiences, from natural beauty and historical landmarks to coastal towns and cultural cities, ensuring there is something for every visitor near Le Haut Quilio in Herbignac, France.

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