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Isabelle Vas
La Vigne de Felizier



2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €69






Description for B&B:

We offer two beautiful rooms, each with their own private toilet and shower. These rooms can accommodate two or three guests comfortably. As our guest, you will have full access to our refreshing pool and enjoy your breakfast at our cozy tables. Additionally, you can relax in our small garden or on the terrace, both of which offer stunning views of the river. For those visiting during colder weather, we also provide the option of having breakfast served in your room.

Description for Gite

We offer three cozy lodgings with capacities for 5, 8, and 8 people respectively. Each lodging comes with a pleasant private garden equipped with a barbecue and garden furniture for your relaxation. The two larger cottages are furnished with modern amenities including a TV, internet access, washing machine, and dishwasher. They feature two bedrooms: one accommodating two people and the other four. Additionally, the living room is furnished with a comfortable sofa and a sofa bed. Guests also have access to a swimming pool. With a total capacity of 26 people, our lodgings are perfect for family reunions, birthdays, weddings, and seminars.


Appréciations pour La Vigne de Felizier, Champis:

Un petit séjour trés agréable
Review by: Bretillon, Aou 30 2015 3:07PM
Quelques jours dans un magnifique écrin de nature,juste un plaisir pour les yeux,un vrai bonheur avec des propriétaires uniques par leur gentillesse,on revient l'année prochaine,trop contents de notre séjour.
Response from property:
Vous etiez des hotes tellement agréables que nous avons particulièrement apprécié aussi ! Ce sera pour nous une joie de vous revoir bientot ! Merci de vos compliments qui nous touchent beaucoup ! Jean Claude et Isabelle
Review by: zabé, Avr 27 2015 7:42PM
nous somme heureux avoir connus cet chambre d' hote un accueille formidable merci
Response from property:
Un grand merci a vous deux de votre gentillesse et nous serons toujours heureux de vous revoir et de partager encore d'aussi bons moments sur la terrasse ! Jean Claude et Isabelle

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To reach The Vine Felizier property, take the northbound direction on A7 and exit at Tain 13. Then, follow Mauves Dishes on D219 until you reach Tjs Alboussière. From there, continue on this county road until you reach terminal No. 14 km. Finally, take a right turn to reach The Vine Felizier.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 69 69 oui
(3 pers.)
1 89 89 oui
Apartment 1 470 650 non
Holiday Home 2 750 1010 non


Swimming Pool


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