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Michel Fitamant
Kroas Ar Gorreg


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Price per week:

price from €3571



Description for B&B:

This is a classified holiday house in PLEYBEN, Finistère, suitable for 2 to 4 people. The house is in excellent condition and surrounded by beautiful flowers. It is ideally located for exploring and discovering the stunning attractions, including the sea, mountains, festivals, and heritage sites. Pleyben is a charming town known for its magnificent church and calvary, which is often considered the most beautiful in Brittany. It is also the gateway to the Armorique and Monts d'Arrée Natural Park, located on the border of the Alder region. Pleyben is famous for its delicious cakes, chocolate, and regional products.

The house offers all the necessary comforts and features 3 bedrooms, a living room, an equipped kitchen, a bathroom, a laundry room, and a garage. It also includes amenities such as a washing machine, dishwasher, microwave, electric oven, fridge, freezer, independent hydro massage cabin, central heating, free wifi, telephone, garden furniture, barbecue, and more.

The price for all periods ranges from 250 to 280 euros, and in July and August, it is between 380 and 430 euros per week, depending on the number of people. Charges are included, but heating costs are not.


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extra bed
Holiday Home 1 3571 5928




  • Parish Enclosure of Pleyben: Located in the nearby town of Pleyben, this stunning architectural complex dates back to the 16th century. It features a beautiful church, an ossuary, and a calvary. Visitors can admire the intricate sculptures and intricate details of the enclosure.
  • Ménez-Hom: This mountain, situated about 12 kilometers southeast of Kroas Ar Gorreg, offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. Visitors can enjoy hiking trails and explore the rich biodiversity of the area, making it a popular spot for nature lovers.
  • Château de Trévarez: Situated in Saint-Goazec, approximately 20 kilometers north of Kroas Ar Gorreg, this magnificent castle is surrounded by stunning gardens and parkland. Built in the late 19th century, it showcases a unique blend of architectural styles and is now home to an art center and museum.
  • Huelgoat Forest: Located about 30 kilometers northeast of Kroas Ar Gorreg, this enchanting forest is renowned for its mythical and mystical atmosphere. Visitors can explore its picturesque trails, discover fascinating rock formations, and visit the famous "Chaos de Rochers," a collection of enormous boulders.
  • Quimper: As the capital of the Finistère department, Quimper is a vibrant city situated around 25 kilometers southwest of Kroas Ar Gorreg. Known for its well-preserved medieval center and beautiful Gothic cathedral, Quimper offers a delightful blend of history, culture, and shopping experiences.
  • Locronan: This charming village, approximately 30 kilometers west of Kroas Ar Gorreg, is often regarded as one of the most beautiful in France. Its well-preserved medieval architecture and cobblestone streets make it a popular destination for history enthusiasts and film-makers alike.
  • Pointe du Raz: Positioned on the westernmost point of mainland France, about 70 kilometers northwest of Kroas Ar Gorreg, Pointe du Raz offers awe-inspiring cliffs and breathtaking views of the Atlantic Ocean. Visitors can take memorable hikes along the rugged coastline and visit the nearby lighthouse.
  • Concarneau: Situated approximately 50 kilometers south of Kroas Ar Gorreg, Concarneau is a picturesque coastal town famous for its fortified old town, Ville Close. Visitors can wander through the narrow streets, visit art galleries, and enjoy fresh seafood at its many restaurants. These attractions offer a variety of experiences, ranging from historical and architectural marvels to natural wonders and cultural hotspots, ensuring that visitors can explore the beauty of the region around Kroas Ar Gorreg.

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