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Denis & Claudie Rialle



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price from €2007






Description for Gite

Escape to the peaceful countryside and immerse yourself in the breathtaking beauty of the Ecrins National Park. Our charming chalet in Orcieres offers three comfortable apartments, accommodating 2 to 8 persons each. Located just 350 meters from the village, you can enjoy panoramic views, tranquility, and a lovely garden with a barbecue. Embark on exhilarating hikes, partake in various activities, and indulge in the joys of nature. Situated at an altitude of 1500 meters, our chalet is conveniently close to the Merlette resort, offering an array of exciting summer and winter activities.


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Upon reaching ORCIERES, continue straight ahead in the direction of Prapic and oven (474 d). After a 350 m walk, take a left and follow the sign for MONTCHENY for 0.4 Km. The chalet Garabrut will be the first left after that.



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extra bed
Notes: STUDIO. F2. F3.


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  • Orcières Merlette Ski Resort: Located in the heart of the French Alps, Orcières Merlette Ski Resort offers a wide range of winter activities including skiing, snowboarding, and snowshoeing. The resort also features a snow park and a variety of slopes suitable for all skill levels.
  • Lac de Serre-Ponçon: This stunning lake is one of the largest artificial lakes in Europe, offering breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding mountains. Visitors can engage in various water sports such as sailing, swimming, and kayaking, or simply relax on the lake's sandy beaches.
  • Ecrins National Park: Situated near Montcheny, Ecrins National Park is a paradise for nature lovers. The park boasts diverse landscapes, including glaciers, alpine meadows, and crystal-clear lakes. It offers countless hiking trails, allowing visitors to explore its rich flora and fauna.
  • Réallon Ski Resort: Nestled in the heart of the Hautes-Alpes region, Réallon Ski Resort is a hidden gem known for its unspoiled natural beauty. The resort offers a peaceful and family-friendly atmosphere, with slopes suitable for all levels of skiers and snowboarders.
  • Les Demoiselles Coiffées: These unique rock formations, known as "The Ladies with Hair," are a fascinating geological wonder. Located near the village of Pontis, these tall and slender pillars have been shaped by erosion, creating a surreal landscape that is worth exploring.
  • Gap: The charming town of Gap, located close to Montcheny, offers a mix of cultural and outdoor attractions. Visitors can explore historical sites such as the Gap Cathedral and the Château de Charance, or enjoy outdoor activities like hiking, biking, and paragliding.
  • Musée de la Mine d'Argent: Located in Saint-Léger-les-Mélèzes, this museum provides insight into the region's mining history. Visitors can learn about the techniques and tools used in the extraction of silver, as well as the daily lives of the miners.
  • Les Gorges de la Méouge: This natural wonder is a must-visit for nature enthusiasts. The turquoise waters of the Méouge River carve through impressive limestone cliffs, creating a picturesque gorge. Visitors can swim, go for a leisurely walk, or simply enjoy the beauty of the surroundings.
  • Col Bayard: Situated at an altitude of 1,248 meters, Col Bayard offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding valleys and mountains. It is a popular spot for hiking and cycling, with several trails leading to the summit. 10. Veynes: This picturesque town, located near Montcheny, is known for its charming medieval architecture and stunning landscapes. Visitors can stroll through the narrow streets, admire the historic buildings, and enjoy the tranquil ambiance of this hidden gem in the Hautes-Alpes region.

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