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4 Imp de l'Aiguille
Saint Saturnin


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Price per night:

price from €50






Description for B&B:

Located amidst the picturesque Charente vineyards, just 8km from Angouleme and 30km from Cognac, you will discover three charming Bed & Breakfast rooms. These rooms have been awarded a prestigious 3-épis rating on the French Bed & Breakfast label "Gîte de France", ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable stay. Additionally, one of the rooms is specially equipped to cater to the needs of individuals with disabilities, proudly holding the "Tourism Handicap" label. Set within a beautifully renovated small farm, adjacent to the enchanting Maillou's Castle, guests also have the opportunity to visit the Cognac & Pineau manufacturing facilities located within the castle premises.

Description for Gite

Welcome to the charming "Clos de Chez Caillet" house, nestled within a beautifully renovated old "Charentaise" farm in a peaceful hamlet. This delightful single-storey abode boasts its own private entrance, ensuring your utmost privacy and comfort.


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To reach us, make your way to St Saturnin in Charente, situated in Department 16. We are conveniently located 10km to the west of Angouleme and 28km to the east of Cognac. If you are traveling from Bordeaux, Poitiers, or the west coast (Royan), it will take you approximately 1 hour by car to reach us. Our house is easily accessible via road, only 10km away from the RN10.



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Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 50 55 Oui
Holiday Home 1 260 430


Disabled Access


  • Château de La Rochefoucauld: Located in the town of La Rochefoucauld, this stunning Renaissance castle is famous for its beautiful architecture and well-preserved interiors. Visitors can explore the castle's rooms, gardens, and even enjoy occasional medieval reenactments.
  • Angoulême Cathedral: Situated in the city of Angoulême, this impressive cathedral dates back to the 12th century and showcases stunning Gothic architecture. The cathedral is known for its intricate stained glass windows and houses the tomb of Bishop Geoffroy d'Eu.
  • Cognac: Located about 30 kilometers from Saint Saturnin, the town of Cognac is renowned for its production of the famous brandy. Visitors can explore various distilleries, learn about the distillation process, and even taste different types of Cognac.
  • Abbey of Saint-Amant-de-Boixe: Situated in the village of Saint-Amant-de-Boixe, this medieval abbey dates back to the 11th century. Visitors can admire the Romanesque architecture of the abbey church, stroll through the peaceful gardens, and learn about the monastic history of the site.
  • Valley of the Monkeys (La Vallée des Singes): Located in Romagne, this unique attraction is a primate-themed park housing over 400 monkeys from different species. Visitors can observe the monkeys in spacious enclosures designed to mimic their natural habitats and learn about their behaviors and conservation efforts.
  • Paper Museum (Musée du Papier): Situated in the town of Angoulême, this museum showcases the history and art of papermaking. Visitors can explore various exhibits, learn about the traditional techniques of paper production, and even participate in hands-on workshops.
  • Gallo-Roman Site of Cassinomagus: Located in Chassenon, this archaeological site offers a glimpse into the ancient Roman civilization. Visitors can explore the ruins of a thermal bath complex, an amphitheater, and a temple, as well as enjoy events and reenactments that bring the site's history to life.
  • Château de La Mercerie: Situated in Magnac-Lavalette-Villars, this 16th-century castle is known for its impressive Renaissance architecture and beautiful gardens. Visitors can take guided tours of the castle, admire the elegant interiors, and enjoy the picturesque surroundings.
  • Jardins du Chaigne: Located in the village of Touzac, these exquisite gardens offer a tranquil retreat for nature lovers. Visitors can wander through the beautifully landscaped gardens, featuring a variety of plants, flowers, and water features. 10. Circuit des Remparts: Taking place in Angoulême annually, this historic car race is a must-see for motorsport enthusiasts. The race takes place on a street circuit, winding through the city's medieval walls, and attracts vintage car enthusiasts from around the world.