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Yvane Houchard
Rue du Mas des Sedaries


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Price per night:

price from €44






Description for B&B:

The resort is situated in Sedaries Villefort, which is located in the Cevennes region. This region serves as the northern entrance to the Cevennes National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Villefort Cevennes is a charming village station in Lozere, bordering the Ardeche and Gard departments. One of its prominent features is a stunning lake spanning 128 hectares, which has been awarded the prestigious blue flag designation. Visitors can enjoy a beautiful sandy beach and partake in various water activities such as windsurfing, kayaking, jet skiing, pedal boating, and catamaran sailing. Fishing enthusiasts will be pleased to know that the lake is an important fishing spot, and fishing equipment can be rented from our friends at the resort. Villefort Cevennes is renowned for its abundance of mushrooms and chestnuts, making it an ideal destination for nature lovers. The area is also recognized for its excellent walking and hiking opportunities, including the famous Régordane trail and the Mont Lozère tour. The region is intersected by several GR (GR700 the Régordane, GR68, GR44, GR72) and PR trails, with many of them starting near the resort. Exploring the magnificent Chassezac gorges and the impressive hydroelectric dams of Castle Castanet is a must when visiting Villefort Cevennes. The region enjoys a Mediterranean climate, offering cool nights that ensure a restful sleep for visitors.


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  • Lac de Villefort: Located just a short distance from Rue du Mas des Sedaries, Lac de Villefort is a stunning lake surrounded by picturesque forests and mountains. Visitors can enjoy various water activities such as swimming, fishing, and boating. The tranquil atmosphere and beautiful scenery make it an ideal spot for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts.
  • Château de Portes: Situated in the charming village of Portes, Château de Portes is a medieval fortress that offers a glimpse into France's rich history. The well-preserved castle features impressive defensive walls, towers, and a central courtyard. Visitors can explore the castle's interior, which houses a museum showcasing medieval artifacts and exhibits.
  • Gorges du Chassezac: A short drive from Rue du Mas des Sedaries, the Gorges du Chassezac is a natural wonder that attracts adventurers and nature lovers. The deep limestone cliffs, crystal-clear waters, and lush vegetation make it a popular destination for hiking, kayaking, and rock climbing. The breathtaking views and unique geological formations make it a must-visit attraction.
  • Pont du Gard: Located approximately an hour away from Villefort, Pont du Gard is a UNESCO World Heritage site and an architectural marvel. This ancient Roman aqueduct bridge spans the Gardon River and is considered one of the best-preserved Roman structures in the world. Visitors can walk across the bridge, explore the onsite museum, and learn about the aqueduct's history.
  • Aven d'Orgnac: Situated around 60 kilometers from Rue du Mas des Sedaries, Aven d'Orgnac is a spectacular cave system known for its immense chambers and stunning stalactite formations. Visitors can take guided tours through the caves, marvel at the underground beauty, and learn about the geological processes that created this unique environment.
  • Vallon Pont d'Arc: Located in the Ardèche region, Vallon Pont d'Arc is a charming village known for its natural beauty and outdoor recreational opportunities. The village is situated on the banks of the Ardèche River and offers activities such as canoeing, swimming, and hiking. One of the highlights is the Pont d'Arc, a natural stone arch bridge that attracts photographers and nature enthusiasts.
  • Mont Lozère: A mountain range in the Cévennes National Park, Mont Lozère offers breathtaking landscapes and outdoor activities for adventurers. Hiking and mountain biking trails wind through the rugged terrain, allowing visitors to enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding valleys and forests. The area is also popular for winter sports like skiing and snowboarding during the colder months.
  • Uzès: Situated about 70 kilometers from Villefort, Uzès is a charming medieval town known for its well-preserved architecture and historical sites. The town's main attraction is the Place aux Herbes, a lively square surrounded by cafés and shops. Visitors can explore the ornate Uzès Cathedral, visit the famous Fenestrelle Tower, and wander through the winding streets to admire the town's unique charm. These tourist attractions near Rue du Mas des Sedaries offer a diverse range of experiences, from natural wonders to historical landmarks, providing visitors with a wonderful opportunity to explore the beauty and culture of the region.

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