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La Lauze
Saint Privat de Vallongue


2 reviews

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price from €60




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Appréciations pour Le Gavoir Cevenol, Saint Privat de Vallongue:

Vacances à La Lauze
Review by: MACHEREZ, Aou 22 2020 11:10AM
Nous avons passé 10 jours formidables avec nos 3 petits enfants. Excellent accueil, gîte très agréable, proche de nombreuses activités : chemins de randonnée, baignade en rivière... Bref, une merveilleuse communion avec la Nature.
Les enfants n'ont jamais réclamé la télévision, le spectacle était devant leurs yeux !
Bref, Hâte d'y retourner...
week end cévenol
Review by: bourneix sylvie, Juin 1 2020 8:19PM
Hôte très sympathique, disponible, serviable, à l'écoute, excellente cuisine, chambres propres.. magnifique séjour...

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"En route from Ales in Gard to Florac in Lozère, make sure to visit the site."



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extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 60 60
Holiday Home 2 300


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  • Gorges du Tarn Located approximately 16 kilometers southwest of La Lauze, Gorges du Tarn is a scenic canyon carved by the Tarn River. Offering breathtaking views, the area is perfect for hiking, rock climbing, and enjoying water activities such as kayaking and canoeing.
  • Aven Armand Situated around 20 kilometers southeast of La Lauze, Aven Armand is a stunning limestone cave known for its impressive stalagmites and stalactites. Visitors can take guided tours to explore the underground wonderland and learn about its geological history.
  • Mont Lozère Rising up to 1,699 meters, Mont Lozère is a beautiful mountain range located about 30 kilometers northeast of La Lauze. It is a paradise for nature enthusiasts, offering opportunities for hiking, mountain biking, and wildlife spotting. The panoramic views from the top are truly breathtaking.
  • Florac Around 25 kilometers northwest of La Lauze, Florac is a charming town nestled in the heart of the Cévennes National Park. With its picturesque streets, historic buildings, and a lively weekly market, Florac is a delightful destination for experiencing the local culture and exploring the surrounding natural beauty.
  • Château de Florac Situated in the town of Florac, the Château de Florac is a medieval fortress that dates back to the 13th century. This well-preserved castle offers guided tours, allowing visitors to discover its rich history, defensive architecture, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.
  • Vallée du Lot Located approximately 35 kilometers southwest of La Lauze, Vallée du Lot is a picturesque valley renowned for its charming villages, vineyards, and the meandering Lot River. Visitors can enjoy boat trips, visit medieval castles, and explore the quaint villages along the riverbanks.
  • Les Bambouseraies de Prafrance Situated about 45 kilometers southeast of La Lauze, Les Bambouseraies de Prafrance is a unique bamboo garden spread across 15 hectares. Visitors can wander through various themed gardens, admire rare bamboo species, and learn about the cultural and ecological significance of bamboo.
  • Sainte-Enimie Nestled approximately 15 kilometers southwest of La Lauze, Sainte-Enimie is a medieval village perched on the edge of the Tarn River. Known for its narrow streets, stone houses, and medieval architecture, this charming village is a popular tourist destination and an ideal starting point for exploring the Gorges du Tarn.
  • Lac de Villefort Situated around 40 kilometers northeast of La Lauze, Lac de Villefort is a serene lake surrounded by rolling hills and lush forests. It offers opportunities for swimming, fishing, boating, and picnicking, making it a perfect spot for a relaxing day in nature. 10. Mount Aigoual Located around 60 kilometers northwest of La Lauze, Mount Aigoual is the highest peak in the Cévennes National Park. Visitors can drive or hike to the summit, where they can enjoy breathtaking views, visit an observatory, and explore the beautiful landscapes of this natural park.