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Pascal Mira
9 Rue de l'église


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price from €49




Description for B&B:

Pascal & Michel extend a warm invitation for you to experience the charm of Cluis, a quaint and historic town along the Compostella Trail. Nestled in the heart of this picturesque destination, their home offers a unique way of life that they are eager to share with visitors. Rather than a typical hotel experience, they strive to create an atmosphere that feels like a true home away from home. In fact, they encourage guests to become a part of their daily routines, inviting them to join in meals at their table. Embracing conviviality as a vital aspect of their lifestyle, Pascal & Michel welcome those who wish to engage in lively conversations and forge meaningful connections.


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To reach our location, follow these travel directions: Depart from the A20 autoroute by taking exit 17 and continue towards la Châtre. Upon reaching the first roundabout, which is approximately 21km ahead, take the first exit leading to Aigurande and Cluis. Our large house is situated closest to the church.



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4 49 oui




  • Château de Valençay: Located approximately 25 kilometers from Cluis, this stunning Renaissance château features beautifully landscaped gardens, opulent interiors, and a rich history. It was once a residence of Napoleon Bonaparte's foreign minister, Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand.
  • George Sand House: Situated in Nohant-Vic, about 30 kilometers from Cluis, this museum is dedicated to the life and works of the renowned French writer, George Sand. Visitors can explore the preserved rooms, including her library and bedroom, and gain insight into her literary legacy.
  • Éguzon Chantôme: Located around 35 kilometers from Cluis, this picturesque village lies on the banks of the Creuse River and offers a range of outdoor activities. Visitors can enjoy swimming, boating, or fishing in Lake Chambon, surrounded by beautiful landscapes and charming villages.
  • Pouligny-Notre-Dame Castle: Situated approximately 15 kilometers from Cluis, this medieval castle is a perfect blend of history and natural beauty. The well-preserved fortress offers guided tours, allowing visitors to explore its towers, ramparts, and courtyards while learning about its fascinating past.
  • Argentomagus Archaeological Museum: Located in Saint-Marcel, about 40 kilometers from Cluis, this museum showcases the Roman archaeological site of Argentomagus. Visitors can discover ancient artifacts, explore reconstructed buildings, and learn about the Roman civilization that once thrived in the region.
  • Maison de Jour de Fête: Situated in Sainte-Sévère-sur-Indre, approximately 20 kilometers from Cluis, this museum pays homage to the iconic French film "Jour de Fête" directed by Jacques Tati. Visitors can explore the exhibits dedicated to the film's production and enjoy a nostalgic journey into the world of classic French cinema.
  • Saint-Benoît-du-Sault: Located around 25 kilometers from Cluis, this medieval village is perched on a hilltop overlooking the Creuse River. With its narrow cobbled streets, fortified gateways, and well-preserved buildings, it offers visitors a charming glimpse into the past.
  • Natural Regional Park of Brenne: Situated about 60 kilometers from Cluis, this vast nature reserve is known for its numerous lakes, wetlands, and diverse wildlife. Visitors can enjoy hiking, birdwatching, and exploring the untouched natural beauty of the area.
  • Château d'Ars: Located approximately 45 kilometers from Cluis, this elegant castle is surrounded by a moat and picturesque gardens. Visitors can take guided tours to admire the grand architecture and learn about the castle's history, including its connection to the Knights Templar. 10. Maison de Jour de Fête: Situated in Sainte-Sévère-sur-Indre, approximately 20 kilometers from Cluis, this museum pays homage to the iconic French film "Jour de Fête" directed by Jacques Tati. Visitors can explore the exhibits dedicated to the film's production and enjoy a nostalgic journey into the world of classic French cinema.

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