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Andre Robin


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €55




Description for B&B:

Breakfast: a delightful part of your day ... envisioned by us.
Discover four enchanting cottages and be pleasantly surprised by the warm welcome in a beautifully preserved and restored 15th-century stone hamlet, honoring its rich history and traditions.
Everywhere you look, memories are waiting to be made! Outside, enjoy breathtaking views of the lush green hills extending to the Vercors, and if you're fortunate, even catch a glimpse of Mont Blanc. Inside the buildings, experience a personalized guesthouse or indulge in a hearty breakfast served in a charming vaulted room adorned with stone walls, accompanied by delectable pastries and homemade jams.
The rooms, uniquely designed yet not overly extravagant, have been carefully crafted by us to create a comfortable and picturesque environment. Natural and sustainable materials like wood and hemp surround you, exuding warmth like a cozy second skin, harmoniously blending with the hamlet's historic stones.
Each room boasts a private bathroom and entrance. Our expansive 3-hectare land welcomes you with open arms, and you may even encounter our gentle draft mare or our friendly donkeys, Babou and Pilou. Unless, of course, you're tempted to explore our ceramic studio...
In the evening, as you breathe in the fresh air, leave your worries behind in the parking lot and let your eyes feast on the wonders of nature. After a day of exploration, you may choose to join us for a delightful dinner at our table d'hôte.
Then, as you retire for the night, immerse yourself in gentle tranquility with a book like "The Page of Scripture" or "The History of Puppets."
Welcome to nature enthusiasts and avid walkers, where every moment is a celebration of the great outdoors!

Description for Gite

Looking for a sense of freedom and autonomy? Discover our charming hamlet, where three cottages eagerly await your arrival. Situated in separate buildings to ensure utmost privacy, each cottage boasts its own delightful terrace. Inside, you'll find a fully-equipped kitchen and a cozy dining area, allowing you to relish your vacation at your own leisurely pace. During the summer, our cottages are available for weekly rentals, while off-season you have the option to rent them for a weekend getaway or even just a few days. Experience the joy of independence at our serene cottages.


Appréciations pour Couette et Tartine, Bozas:

Une parenthèse de bien-être
Review by: Sylvie ARDON, Juin 3 2021 5:28AM
Un havre de calme et l'impression de se sentir en pleine nature.... Accueil chaleureux d'André et Catherine, des repas maison avec des spécialités du coin, des balades magnifiques, des villages pittoresques à visiter... bref un vrai dépaysement...Nous avons tous beaucoup apprécié et nous conseillons vivement l'endroit !

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To get to the destination, take the A7 motorway and take the exit at Tain l'Hermitage (in front of Valence). Once in Tain, cross the bridge over the Rhone to Tournon sur Rhone. After crossing the bridge, turn right along the river and continue through Tournon until you reach a roundabout where you will see the store "Sport 2000". Turn left at the roundabout towards Lamastre. Follow this road for 9km and then turn right towards Colombier-le-Vieux. Continue on the same road through the village until you reach a crossroads. Take a left at the crossroads (D578) in the direction of "Lamastre". Stay on this road without entering the village of Bozas. After approximately 2km, you will see the house on your right. Look for the signs "Gîtes de France" and "Drevet". The house is the first stone house on your right. The exact address is the hamlet "Drevet".



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 55 60 352 384 20 oui
(3 pers.)
1 75 80 oui
Holiday Home 3 80 125 250 460 non


Disabled Access


  • Palais Ideal du Facteur Cheval: Located in Hauterives, approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes away from Drevet, this unique structure was built by a postman, Ferdinand Cheval, over the course of 33 years. The palace is an extraordinary example of naïve art and an inspiring testament to human creativity.
  • Pont d'Arc: Situated in the Ardèche region, around 2 hours away from Drevet, the Pont d'Arc is a natural stone arch that spans the Ardèche River. It is a popular spot for kayaking, swimming, and enjoying the stunning natural surroundings.
  • Château de Crussol: Located near Saint-Péray, approximately 1 hour away from Drevet, this medieval fortress offers panoramic views over the Rhône Valley. Visitors can explore the ruins, learn about the castle's history, and enjoy the beautiful landscape.
  • Safari de Peaugres: Situated in Peaugres, about 1 hour and 15 minutes away from Drevet, this wildlife park is home to more than 1,000 animals from around the world. Visitors can take a safari tour, observe animals up close, and enjoy various shows and activities.
  • Gorges de l'Ardèche: Located around 1 hour and 30 minutes away from Drevet, the Gorges de l'Ardèche is a natural marvel characterized by steep limestone cliffs and a winding river. Visitors can hike, kayak, or take a scenic drive along the gorge to admire its breathtaking beauty.
  • Vallon Pont d'Arc: Situated near the Pont d'Arc, this charming village offers a picturesque setting with its narrow streets, cafés, and shops. Visitors can explore the local markets, visit the local museum, or simply enjoy the atmosphere of this quaint riverside town.
  • Jardin d'Eden: Located in Quintenas, approximately 1 hour away from Drevet, this botanical garden showcases a wide variety of plant species. Visitors can stroll through the beautifully landscaped gardens and learn about different plants and their medicinal properties.
  • Train de l'Ardèche: Departing from Tournon-sur-Rhône, about 1 hour and 15 minutes away from Drevet, this scenic steam train ride takes passengers through the picturesque landscapes of the Ardèche region. It offers a unique way to discover the region's beauty and charm.
  • La Caverne du Pont d'Arc: Situated near the Pont d'Arc, this replica cave showcases the Chauvet Cave's prehistoric art, which dates back 36,000 years. Visitors can explore the cave's fascinating displays, including stunning recreations of ancient paintings and rock formations. 10. Le Train de l'Ardèche-Mastrou: Departing from Lamastre, approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes away from Drevet, this heritage railway offers a nostalgic journey through the Ardèche mountains. Passengers can enjoy the scenic views while riding in vintage carriages pulled by a steam locomotive.

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