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Le Buisson
La Chapelle du Bard



4 reviews

Price per night:

price from €75






Description for B&B:

Located amidst the picturesque Massif de Belledonne, nestled between the vibrant cities of Grenoble and Chambéry, lies the serene and breathtaking bed and breakfast, "Au vieux four à pain," near the renowned spa town of Allevard. Get ready to immerse yourself in tranquility and behold the enchanting beauty of the Belledonne mountain range. Your gracious host, Laure Hennebois, extends a warm welcome to her newly restored ancient stone abode, where you will have the opportunity to explore the wonders of the traditional stone oven.

Description for Gite


Appréciations pour Au Vieux Four à Pain Gîte-Chambres d'hôtes, La Chapelle du Bard:

Review by: Jean Goujon, Nov 8 2016 12:16AM
Très bon séjour, chambre très confortable, très propre et espace de vie remarquable. Le petit déjeuner était excellent, les confitures...un délice! Merci encore pour votre accueil et votre sympathie.
Très bonne adresse!
Review by: Lionel et Annie Lefort, Juin 22 2010 11:54PM
Une excellente adresse pour un dépaysement total, dans une totale tranquillité! Une région magnifique, une maison splendide, des petits déjeuners copieux et excellents et un accueil chaleureux et sincère!!!
Merci encore à Laure.
PS: les confitures maison méritent le détour...nous reviendrons!
Une qualité rare!
Review by: Joël et Martine, Mai 25 2010 6:12PM
Les chambres d'hôtes Au Vieux Four à Pain méritent le détour! Un cadre magnifique, une maison splendide, confortable et très propre, des gens très sympathiques et accueillants et tout cela avec un tarif correct. Une très bonne adresse à transmettre!
Très bon séjour
Review by: Maryse et Etienne, Jan 15 2009 10:47PM
Accueil très sympa, maison magnifique, très calme et les petits déjeuners excellents! Adresse à retenir!

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To reach our location via Grenoble, follow the freeway towards Chambéry. Take the Touvet exit and turn right towards Goncelin. Continue towards the village of Allevard. At the first roundabout on the way to Allevard, take the third exit towards Allevard. Once in Allevard, you will pass the blue casino on your right and the gendarmerie on your left. At the second roundabout, take the second exit towards La Chapelle du Bard, with a Citroën garage on your left. After 2 km, you will see the Couturier sawmill. Just past the sawmill, there is a fork in the road, where you should bear right towards Beauvoir. After 200 metres, turn right towards Le Buisson, indicated by a sign that says "Miel (honey) for sale". At the top of the hill, you will reach a small square. Cross the square and begin descending the hill on the other side. Our driveway is located 50 metres past the square on your right.

If you choose to travel via Chambéry, take the freeway towards Grenoble. Exit at Pontcharra and turn right towards the municipality of Barraux, specifically at "La Gache". Be cautious of frequent speed checks in this area. At the traffic light, turn right towards Pontcharra. Cross the Isère river and at the next roundabout, take the second exit towards La Rochette and Allevard. At the subsequent roundabout, take the first exit on the right towards La Rochette and Allevard. At the fourth roundabout, take the first exit on the right to pass the fire brigade barracks, then continue for 12 km through the Gorges de La Rochette. You will reach Détrier, where you should take the first exit at the roundabout towards Allevard, passing through the Gorges d'Allevard. After 1.5 km, turn left towards La Chapelle du Bard, just after the second bridge over the "Bréda" river. Ascend through the village and cross it in the direction of Allevard. After another 1.5 km, you will reach the Couturier sawmill. Turn left towards Beauvoir, then drive for 200 metres before turning right towards Le Buisson, indicated by a sign for "sale of honey". Upon reaching the square in the hamlet, take the small street opposite and turn right at the second cul-de-sac.

If you get lost, please contact us at 04 76 45 09 90.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 75 75 525 525 oui
(3 pers.)
1 80 80 540 540 oui
Notes: 2 nights minimum




  • Chartreuse de Saint-Hugon: Located in La Chapelle du Bard, the Chartreuse de Saint-Hugon is a beautiful monastery that dates back to the 12th century. Visitors can explore the architectural marvels, stroll through the peaceful gardens, and learn about the history of the monastery.
  • Lac de Paladru: Situated near Le Buisson, Lac de Paladru is one of the largest natural lakes in France. It offers a picturesque setting surrounded by lush greenery and mountains. Visitors can enjoy various water activities such as swimming, boating, and fishing, or simply relax on the lakeside beaches.
  • Fort Barraux: Located in Barberaz, Fort Barraux is a well-preserved fortress that showcases the military architecture of the 17th century. Visitors can take guided tours to explore the underground tunnels, the defensive walls, and the historical exhibits that provide insights into the fort's strategic importance.
  • Château de Montfleury: Situated in Corenc, the Château de Montfleury is a stunning castle dating back to the 13th century. The castle is surrounded by beautiful gardens and offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. Visitors can take a guided tour to learn about the castle's history and architectural features.
  • Musée de la Houille Blanche: Located in Villard-Bonnot, the Musée de la Houille Blanche is a museum dedicated to the history of hydroelectricity. It showcases the industrial heritage of the region and offers interactive exhibits, models, and artifacts related to hydropower. Visitors can learn about the significant role of hydroelectricity in shaping the region's development.
  • Parc Naturel Régional de Chartreuse: Situated near Le Buisson, the Parc Naturel Régional de Chartreuse is a vast natural park known for its stunning landscapes, dense forests, and diverse wildlife. Visitors can enjoy hiking, mountain biking, and nature walks while immersing themselves in the tranquility of the park.
  • Musée de la Grande Chartreuse: Located in Saint-Pierre-de-Chartreuse, the Musée de la Grande Chartreuse is a museum dedicated to the Carthusian monks who produce Chartreuse liqueur. The museum provides insights into the history, traditions, and production process of this famous liqueur.
  • Pont-en-Royans: Situated near La Chapelle du Bard, Pont-en-Royans is a charming village known for its picturesque houses, colorful facades, and the famous hanging houses over the river. Visitors can explore the village, enjoy local cuisine, and admire the unique architectural features.
  • Les Grottes de Choranche: Located near Le Buisson, Les Grottes de Choranche is a network of stunning limestone caves. Visitors can take guided tours to explore the mesmerizing underground formations, including stalactites, stalagmites, and underground rivers. 10. Musée de la Révolution Française: Situated in Vizille, the Musée de la Révolution Française is a museum dedicated to the French Revolution. It offers a comprehensive collection of artifacts, documents, and artworks that depict the events and key figures of this significant historical period. These attractions near Le Buisson and La Chapelle du Bard offer a mix of historical, natural, and cultural experiences to cater to different interests of tourists.

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