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Véronique Laurent
Ld Les Boisdelles
Bourg Argental


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Price per night:

price from €50






Description for B&B:

The Great Doudou is a charming family guesthouse that can accommodate 2-6 people without the need for separate rooms. There is also an adjoining room available for two people with a private bathroom. Smoking is not allowed in this room.

The main room features a spacious living area with a cozy fireplace and a reading nook, as well as two single beds. The bathroom and toilet are separate and independent.

The attic loft offers a intimate and cozy sleeping area with two separate beds (140 size) divided by curtains in soothing colors. The decor of the guesthouse is a mix of antique and contemporary furniture, all made with high-quality materials.

Tea and coffee are provided, along with a refrigerator. Guests also have access to WIFI. The entrance to the guestroom is separate from the main house and includes a private garden with a table, chairs, and sun loungers for relaxation. Only the sounds of birds chirping, leaves rustling, and the occasional melody of locusts will disturb your peaceful naps.

In the autumn, the beautiful reddish ocher landscapes are a delight for poets. Guests can also enjoy mushroom picking, collecting nuts and chestnuts, and walking on countless fallen leaves.

During the winter, when the landscape is covered in a blanket of snow, guests can engage in cross-country skiing and snowshoeing in two magnificent estates just 8 km away. There are also toboggan runs, a mini ski slope with a ski lift for young children, and two snow tubing tracks for older kids.

In spring, as nature awakens, guests can enjoy biking on marked trails (green, blue, red, black), hiking, playing a round of golf at an 18-hole golf course (only 10 minutes away), trying out a via ferrata (15 minutes away), experiencing tree climbing (5 minutes away), or visiting local craft shops.

The whole family, including our adorable pets named Pompon, Lolita, Snowflake, Dora, and Idée Fixe, are excited to welcome you to discover a peaceful haven in the heart of the regional park of Pilat.

Guests also have the option to join us for an evening meal and savor the delicious products directly from nature!

We look forward to welcoming you soon!


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To reach your destination, follow these revised travel directions:

When leaving Bourg Argental, drive for 2.5 km. After passing a turn with a speed limit of 50 km/h, take the road on the left below (Argental). Continue driving for two kilometers and you will pass the Faurie farm. After another 800m, take the path on your left (The Boisdelles). Keep climbing until you reach the top, and you have arrived!

After passing the Republic, you will reach the inn of large wood. Instead of continuing on the road, take the Holy Savior road in front of you that leads into the woods. Follow this road for 6 km. Once you reach the "Pras," take a hairpin turn on the left. Drive for 2.7 km and then take the path on the right (The Boisdelles). Keep climbing until you reach the top, and you have arrived.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 50 15 oui




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